Windows files:
- Windows (32-bit): TraceWin_32bits.exe
- Windows (64-bit): TraceWin.exe
- twserver (32-bits): twserver_32bits.exe
- twserver (64-bits): twserver.exe
- DOS (32-bits): TraceWin_32bits_noGUI.exe
- DOS (64-bits): TraceWin_noGUI.exe
Linux files:
- Linux (32-bit): TraceWin_32bits
- Linux (64-bit): TraceWin
- Without X11 (32-bit): TraceWin_32bits_noX11
- Without X11 (64-bit): TraceWin_noX11
- Server (32-bit): twserver_32bits
- Server (64-bit): twserver
- Server without X11 (32-bit): twserver_without_X_32bits
- Server without X11 (64-bit): twserver_without_X
- SSH tunnel for server:
MacOs files:
- Mac (32-bit) : TraceWin.dmg
- Mac (64-bit) : TraceWin_64bits.dmg
- twserver : twserver.dmg
Virtual Accelerator files:
- (Linux 64-bit) : TraceWinVA
- (Windows 64-bit) : TraceWinVA.exe
(It is useless to reload the code for a change of licence validity date)
TraceWin last news:
20-12-2024: New (, the chart legends have been slightly improved and can be enlarged as required via the 'Options' box.
16-12-2024: Fixed bug (, results related to commands of type 'ADJUST_BEAM_XXX' were missing from the 'Adjusted_Values.txt' file,
10-12-2024: Fixed bug (, cuntimely crash during error studies in noX11 mode, Display of field cavity tuning after TUNE_CAVITY process was erroneous. (Xiaowen ZHU, Suzhou Lab).
07-12-2024: Fixed bug (, TUNE_CAVITY command caused crash in certain configurations. (Xiaowen ZHU, Suzhou Lab)
02-12-2024: Fixed bug (, some error about SET_BEAM_PHASE_ERROR have been fixed. Toutatis simulation on Windows with a particle number greater than 10e6 caused a crash.
29-11-2024: Fixed bug (, the synchronous phase was displayed incorrectly in DTL cells in partran mode and the ET_BEAM_PHASE_ERROR command no longer worked,
28-11-2024: Fixed bug (, MULTIPOLE element didn't work correctly when 'ele' flag was selected.
22-11-2024: New (, the ‘losses_PAR.fat’ file, which is optional and contains the list of lost particles, can be constrained by limits on the accelerator elements to be considered. In addition, at the end of the file, the total power of the lost lost is written. Fixed bug, QUAD_ELE values were not savec int 'xxxx_CC.txt' file,
20-11-2024: Fixed bug (, error studies including an RFQ produced some runs with inexplicable losses.
19-11-2024: Fixed bug (, the SHIFT command was no longer working correctly.,
15-11-2024: New (, improving RF phase management so that aboslue phases can be used in RF elements without causing problems in matching procedures, even in the presence of an RFQ. Fixed bug, QUAD_ELE values were not saved in 'xxxx_CC.txt" file,
13-11-2024: Fixed bug (, the transfer matrix tool no longer worked when an EDGE-type element was present, (M. Lalande, GANIL)
12-11-2024: New (, Improvements to the CHANGE_BEAM command for managing the Toutatis to partran transition (see manual).
08-11-2024: Fixed bug (, option ‘Non linear conversion’ not selected in ‘Dynamics option’ cause longitudinal phase inversion of the input distributon. Specifying a dst file as an argument when the reference energy is also used posed a problem.,
27-10-2024: New (, new improvements on the previous point.
21-10-2024: New (, transport improvements in field map curving trajectory to avoid freezing the code in very exotic cases,
0910-2024: Fixed bug (, file name incompatibility between Toutatis and TraceWin.
08-10-2024: New (, improvment of the color bar display
08-10-2024: New (, new graph for analysing losses in error studies, ‘Confidence level of power lost per metre.". Fixed bug, systematic crash with the use of curved reference trajectory field maps,
04-10-2024: Fixed bug (, When a second beam is use and when the phase space is exported to ASCII file from distribution chart, the header file is taken from the main beam, New, communication with twserver improvement during error studies.
26-09-2024: Fixed bug (, Confidence level loss plots and steerer strength probability plots were displayed incompletely.
25-09-2024: Fixed bug (, the ‘Use aperture elements’ option in ‘beam dynamics options’ may cause the code to crash.
18-09-2024: Fixed bug (, the recording of the results of the multi-particle phase space diagram no longer worked since the previous version, (P. Calvo Portela, CIEMAT). New, possibility to add energy spread in input dst file set in CW mode.
16-09-2024: Fixed bug (, the two arguments "trans_dist_mask" & "long_dist_mask" did not work.
01-09-2024: Fixed bug (, some memory leaks fixed.
28-08-2024: Fixed bug (, critical error when cavity error with aperture field map.,
26-08-2024: Fixed bug (, wrong synoptic displaying with some NCELLS options (J. Dumas, CEA).
20-08-2024: Fixed bug (, the transfer matrix for the EDGE element was displayed incorrectly., Some improvements to the space charge for bunch longer than 360°,
10-07-2024: New (, improved key management in the absence of a network (reduced waiting time). Clarification of the "Include errors study..." parameter on the main page.
05-07-2024: Fixed bug (, problem connecting to the license server for the noGUI version,
03-07-2024: Fixed bug (, Error_datas_X.txt files were misssing in case of errors study in envelope case using only one computer,
25-06-2024: Fixed bug (, some picture file extension confusions are fixed.
18-06-2024: New (, images copied to the clipboard are now of higher quality in terms of resolution, whatever the type of chart. This improvement can be adjusted via the chart options..
14-06-2024: Fixed bug (, examples extraction would no longer work and the "use_dst_file" input argument would generate an error,
13-06-2024: New (, saving of high-resolution PNG images is now available for all types of graphics (envelope, beam distribution, phase-space, ...)
07-06-2024: New (, improvements to high-resolution PNG image saving for charts.
30-05-2024: Fixed bug (, under Linux or MacOS, in the case of an error study with many machines in use, the limit of number of file descriptors could be reached too quickly due to a resource leak.
26-05-2024: Fixed bug (, problem of reading the file "Statistic_Errors_1_PAR_tot2.txt" from statistical error study, relative to the second beam, (M. Comunian, INFN).
14-05-2024: New (, some new input paramaters concerning space-charge, input distribution and energy and phase limits have been added, see manual, (M. Comunian, INFN).
02-05-2024: Fixed bug (, steerer statistic tool was broken.
30-04-2024: Fixed bug (, the use of variables with names, some part of which were common, could lead to errors, (W-M. Tam, Applied Material)
25-04-2024: Fixed bug (, the list of "QIODevice::read: device not open" messages during error studies has been fixed (only 64 bits version)
10-04-2024: New (, various improvements including, in particular, better management of data placed in the clipboard.
28-03-2024: Fixed bug (, accidental crash when a break is requested with 1D field maps.
27-03-2024: Fixed bug (, error on the tool for converting field maps into binary or ascii. Improvement of the management of the SET_SYNC_PHASE command when associated with an ADJUST of cavity field..
22-03-2024: Fixed bug (, leak of memory during matching when beam lost, (E. Froidefond, LPSC).
15-03-2024: New (, information about elements is automatically displayed when the pointer passes over them, this option can be disabled via the options box in the enevelope plot.
14-03-2024: Fixed bug (, the information menu for an element on the envelope plots did not work correctly when zoomed in.
13-03-2024: Fixed bug (, the space charge in the field maps bending the trajectories caused an erroneous change in beam current, (J. Dumas, CEA).
07-03-2024: New (, Improved management of network parameters.
01-03-2024: New (, improved parallelization for calculating the picnic3D space-charge with a large mesh.
26-02-2024: Fixed bug (, wrong beam centroid phase was applied for tracking simulation when input dst file was used since version,
22-02-2024: New (, make PlotWin compatible with TraceWin's beam distribution display options.
21-02-2024: New (, the non-linear conversion used to go from PW->Z.dp/p and vice versa, in the beam distribution display can be deactivated via the "Simulation options" box.
21-02-2024: Fixed bug (, update of the manual to correct errors in the description of the partran.out file,
06-02-2024: Fixed bug (, all plots using lattice period were broken in version,
05-02-2024: New (, updated link to the Toutatis manual.
26-01-2024: New (, beam Twiss parameters can be plotted, (Nghiem Phu Anh Phi, CEA).
25-01-2024: Fixed bug (, possible crash when a dst file is opened after changing the current project.
22-01-2024: New (, in the particle distribution plot, selection of particles outside the filtered elipse has been added,
16-01-2024: New (, possibility to make distinction between X and Y, in 1D aperture map used in field map element has been added, (J.B. Lallement, CERN)
07-01-2024: Fixed bug (, possible ifninite loop in differential evolution alogrithm, "Send project" button was no longer displaying workstation information
27-12-2023: Fixed bug (, "NCells details" charts was no longer working.
15-12-2023: Fixed bug (, all synchronized plots during partran optimization were showing element values from envelope results, (L. Batista, CEA)
14-12-2023: Fixed bug (, the synchronous phase is not correctly read for GAP element under MacOS since version,
06-12-2023: Fixed bug (, differential evolution alogrithm, could froze when the maximum value of ADJUST command was set to 0, (L. Batista, CEA)
06-12-2023: Fixed bug (, density charts type could lost during synchronization process,
01-12-2023: Fixed bug (, The THIN_STEERING adjustment failed in certain specific configurations,
17-11-2023: Fixed bug (, The tune depression button no longer worked
04-11-2023: Fixed bug (, improving the stability of error studies.
25-10-2023: Fixed bug (, the remote executables used for error studies, tracelx & TraceW64.exe had not been updated since version
24-10-2023: Fixed bug (, possible crash when the aperture parameter of FIELD_MAP is less than the physical size of the field_map and the SUPERPOSED_OUT command is used.
19-10-2023: Fixed bug (, the default Windows browser was no longer found following the system update, making online help inoperable.
19-10-2023: Fixed bug (, the RF phase indicated in the data page may be incorrect when using a superposed field map of RF element including an RF frequency change,
17-10-2023: Fixed bug (, spreadw1 & spreadw2 arguments didn't work, (S. Marini, CEA).
16-10-2023: Fixed bug (, on error study when the chosen beam reference is output,
10-10-2023: New (, electric field map components are taken into account in element type display, (quad, dip, sex, oct...).
02-10-2023: Fixed bug (, the determination of the main components of the magnetic field maps could sometimes be wrong.
22-09-2023: Fixed bug (, problem of synchronized envelope display when matching with partran.
19-09-2023: New (, The smoothing of the projection of phase-space distributions has been removed because it distorted certain results. Some improvements about half-maximum (FWHM) calculation when CW beam.
31-08-2023: New (, some additionnal arguments have been added to control matching in batch mode (algo=(0/1/2), cancel_matching & cancel_matchingP),
28-08-2023: Fixed bug (, issue with Plotwin button within TraceWin environment,
22-08-2023: New (, checked on MacOS Sonoma.
21-08-2023: New (, a new optimisation alogrithm, differential evolution, is available. Fixed bug, error in back simulation (J. Dumas, CEA).
08-08-2023: New (, Improvement of the graphical output to avoid overlapping of the graduations when resizing the graphs. Multiple charts of beam distribution or envelope are now horizontally aligned, (Nghiem Phu Anh Phi, CEA). Correction of the documentation concerning plt files and the code now allows the use of exotic dst input files even if it is not able to adjust it to the beam parameters defined in the "Main" page.,
31-07-2023: Fixed bug (, the latest enhancement ( resulted in the disappearance of certain plots.
28-07-2023: Fixed bug (, the last improvement ( caused problems with error studies, (O. A. Conception, SIEMAT). Bad icon display on mac.
27-07-2023: Fixed bug (, the last improvement ( caused problems with field map simulation, (O. A. Conception, SIEMAT).
24-07-2023: New (, a clarification has been made in the display of the different results depending on whether they come from partran or envelope calculations. The option of choosing one or the other has been added to the data tab, Fixed bug, the steerer file may not have been created in certain circumstances, (O. A. Conception, SIEMAT).
18-07-2023: Fixed bug (, the very specific "non linear effect in gap" option was sometimes incompatible with certain line configurations, (A. Pathak, FNAL). New, improvement and clarification of the DIAG_CURRENT and DIAG_DCURRENT diag functions,
17-07-2023: New (, Improving the display of projected particle distributions by smoothing
13-07-2023: New (, the full width at half-maximum (FWHM) is calculated and visible in the emit. box of the beam distribution plots and used in 3 new diagnostics, BEAM_SIZE_FWHM, BEAM_DSIZE_FWHM, BEAM_DSIZE2_FWHM,
06-07-2023: New (, if the usual autentication of the licence via the SFTP protocol fails, an attempt is now made using SSH.
30-06-2023: New (, the "save table to file" action was limited to the GUI version,
27-06-2023: New (, synoptic plot was not synchronized,
23-06-2023: Fixed bug (, about phase synchrone with e- .
16-06-2023: Fixed bug (, about e- transport in field map curving trajectory.
09-06-2023: New (, to allow Toutatis to make RFQ simulation with modulation larger than 3.2,
08-06-2023: Fixed bug (, 3D aperture field map failure (Q. Hars, LPSC).
05-06-2023: Fixed bug (, the specific coupling terms of the initial beam matrix were not applied to the halo distribution.
02-06-2023: Fixed bug (, switching from a CW beam to a bunched beam results in the loss of the correct order of the particular couplings inserted into the initial beam matrix by the user.
31-05-2023: New (, 2 new output parameters have been added in *.out file, Sxy' & Sx'y,
16-05-2023: New (, he penaltie function has been revised regarding the SET_SIZE_MAX command and the DIAG_SIZE_MAX diagnostic. A new command SET_SIZE_MIN and a new diagnostic DIAG_SIZE_MIN have been added, (L. Batista, CEA)
15-05-2023: New (, improvement of the logrithmic label scale for scientific charts,
27-04-2023: Fixed bug (, since version, losses were no longer correctly recorded in the density file in the field map elements, (P. Calvo Portela, CIEMAT).
18-04-2023: Fixed bug (, with space-charge compensation file map in field map curving trajectory.
16-04-2023: Fixed bug (, on interpolator for 1D field map curving trajectory.
14-04-2023: Fixed bug (, on space-charge with field map curving trajectory.
07-04-2023: Fixed bug (, the adjustments of the BEAM_ROT element were not correctly saved, (Nghiem Phu Anh Phi, CEA).
04-04-2023: Fixed bug (, some corrections about particles distribution plot.
31-03-2023: New (, 2 new diagnostics DIAD_DPOSITION & DIAG_DDIVERGENCE (see manual) ,
21-03-2023: New (, a new option in "Simulation option" in the "Main" page allows to choose if the particles are lost when they are out of the field map curving trajectory and to stop the simulation if it is the reference particle.
20-03-2023: Fixed bug (, elements following an RFQ were shifted to a wrong position in the plt file, (D. Raparia, BNL).
20-03-2023: Fixed bug (, erroneous losses were recorded in a density file at the output of the RFQ (N. Chauvin, CEA). Some of the losses due to gas stripping were not recorded when an RFQ was present. The seed for the calculation of the stripping losses was not correctly initialized (D. Raparia, BNL). Bug fixed about synoptic plots,
17-03-2023: New (, a new parameter, RF_phase, has been added in "Cav_set_point_res.dat" file,
16-03-2023: New (, a new diagnostic DIAG_DTWISS2 has been added, (see manual).
14-03-2023: New (, Projects including trajectory curving field maps can now be displayed in the synoptic tool, a second more complex example has been included, (filed_map_dipole2). In the envelope plot, new possibility to remove or display vertically or horizontally the names of the elements. The type of element FIELD_MAP, (cavity, nbr of gap, quad, dipole, solenoid, sexupole....) is recognised by its colour. Diagnostic DIAG_BETA and DIAG_DBETA parameters have been changed to improve them, Fixed bug, the linux noX11 version got a segfault error,
07-03-2023: New (, a new diagnostic DIAG_DTWISS (see manual),
06-03-2023: Fixed bug (, The error studies froze for no apparent reason ,
03-03-2023: Fixed bug (, the previous version introduced an error on ADJUST command, (S. Marini, CEA)
01-03-2023: New (, a new parameter to ADJUST command allows during a linkage between 2 variables to apply in addition a corrective coefficient,
21-02-2023: Fixed bug (, the "%" button in the charts was no longer working,
19-02-2023: New (, user can choose color of each element type, (Nghiem Phu Anh Phi, CEA).
16-02-2023: New (, the color of MULTIPOLE elements is now similar to hard-edge equivalent, (Nghiem Phu Anh Phi, CEA).
09-02-2023: Fixed bug (, about statistical error study..
23-01-2023: Fixed bug (, activation key issue.
27-01-2023: New (, new element: QUAD_SPEC similar to a QUAD but focalising in both planes, (A. Molodozhentsev, Eli-beams)
26-01-2023: New (, twserver has been improved to allow it to be used on any cluster, (see manual).
23-01-2023: Fixed bug (, The SPACE_CHARGE_COMP command is not taken into account in field maps that are preceded by a SUPERPOSE_MAP_OUT, (J. Dumas, CEA).
20-01-2023: Fixed bug (, Switching from a dual screen to a single screen via a remote machine rendered sometime chart windows difinitively hidden. Some improvements for the dark display mode.
10-01-2023: Fixed bug (, on the envelope graph display in dark mode and when several diagnostics follow each other.
04-01-2023: Fixed bug (, abnormal increase of emittance in the GAP element when optional parameters are omitted in envelope mode.
03-01-2023: New (, Improved speed-up up to 50% depending on machine type, OS and number of particles simulated. A physical scaling option for the synoptic tool has been added. The ability to adjust the blackness of the interface for the dark mode as well as many other small improvements. About ten minor bugs have been fixed.
19-12-2022: New (, colouring of the sysnoptic plot and improvement of superposed FIELD_MAP drawing in envelope plots, (Nghiem Phu Anh Phi, CEA).
16-12-2022: Fixed bug (, The TAB character combined with the VARIABLE command was causing problems,
14-12-2022: New (, the colouring of the elements has been added in the envelope graphics, it can be deactivated via the "Options" box, (Nghiem Phu Anh Phi, CEA).
12-12-2022: Fixed bug (, during error simulation, when asked to keep all the result files of each run, the density files were always the nominal one, O. A. Conception, CIEMAT). New, the possibility to select the particle in all the emittance ellipse plotted, has been added in the particle distribution display,
08-12-2022: New (, the possibility to select the particle in the emittance ellipse has been added in the particle distribution display,
05-12-2022: Fixed bug (, some minor bugs fixed.
01-12-2022: New (, 2 new diagnostics elements have been added, DIAG_BETA & DIAG_DBETA. Inversion of particles selection is a new option available in the particle distribution display. Fixed bug, the particle selection area from phase space distribution chart was not scrupulously respected when displaying.
29-11-2022: Fixed bug (, matching/adjust process could fail when crieteria was bigger than 1e20, (Nghiem Phu Anh Phi, CEA).
25-11-2022: New (, completion feature has been added to the structure editor.
22-11-2022: New (, A column has been added to the structure editor to display the element numbers, which can be removed using one of the buttons above, "#'.
18-11-2022: New (, New diagnostics element, DIAG_PHASE_ADV, allowing to set beam phase advance.
11-11-2022: Fixed bug (, unexpected error message "To old version" when TraceWin run in batch mode,
08-11-2022: New (, The possibility to exclude runs during a statistical error study according to criteria on the loss or/and the position of the output beam, has been added (see page "Errors" -> Button "Errors setup") .
04-11-2022: New (, multiple FIELD_MAP_PATH commands can be set simultaneously allowing multiple field map location paths to be defined (particularly useful when a project is opened from different OS). Fixed bug , which caused in certain conditions, a significant proportion of run error durint an error stduy, with the messages "Density file missing...".
27-10-2022: New (, The GAS type commands can now be applied to the different positions of the supperposed field Maps, (M. Schuett, CERN)
05-10-2022: Fixed bug (, The insertion of couplings in the initial beam matrix could lead to errors.
29-09-2022: New (, modification of the behaviour when a dst file is specified as a command argument (see manual),
09-09-2022: New (, further improvement of the DIAG_SIZE_MAX criterion to avoid divergence in case of too large gaps between setpoints and beam sizes.
08-09-2022: Fixed bug (, in DIAG_SIZE_MAX and the calculation of the criterion has also been modified, as well as that of SET_SIZE_MAX for greater efficiency.
06-09-2022: New (, collective effects such as space charge and interaction with gases can be used with trajectory curving field maps.
01-09-2022: New (, a new diagnostic element is availble, DIAG_SIZE_MAX, see manual.
26-08-2022: New (, a very specific automatic transverse emittance correction for ultra relativistic electron beams is now optional (see "Simulation options" from "main" tab-sheet).
25-08-2022: New (, intra-beam stripping losses estimate has been added, Improvement of the RFQ vane plot in envelope chart, Fixed bug, ADJUST_BEAM_TWISS issue with electron beam, (Nghiem Phu Anh Phi, CEA).
11-08-2022: New (, GUI improvements.
09-08-2022: Fixed bug ( ), Initial font system issue on Windows OS, (Nghiem Phu Anh Phi, CEA).
05-08-2022: Fixed bug (, on linux OS, the graphic interface could lose the font making it unreadable,
26-06-2022: Fixed bug (, The second rms emittance value displayed in the particle distribution plots, corresponding to the rms emittance of the fraction of particles selected in percent, was wrong for the 100% value,
14-07-2022: New (, improving the display with large fonts.
13-07-2022: New (, improvement of user key management.
28-06-2022: Fixed bug (, A file name specific to the SPIRAL2 simulations was wrong.
10-06-2022: New (, checked on Mac OS Ventura.
03-06-2022: New (, the manual's chapter on error studies has been completely updated..
25-05-2022: New (, Statistical error studies can now be resumed after a voluntary or involuntary interruption and even increased once completed.
20-05-2022: Fixed bug (, saving the selected particles from distribution chart, caused a crash.
13-05-2022: Fixed bug (, aperture form own elements (MY_ELE) in partran1.dat file was wrong,
09-05-2022: Fixed bug (, possible segmenation violation when code is used remotely,
02-05-2022: New (, a second chart is proposed for acceptance plot corresponding du phase synchrone / beam phase size.
22-04-2022: Fixed bug (, RFQ simulation ends anormally, ( M. Comunian, INFN).
21-04-2022: New (, new command ERROR_GAUSSIAN_CUT_OFF,
18-04-2022: Fixed bug (, saving images from the graphics was no longer possible.
17-04-2022: Fixed bug (, about dipole in field maps,
05-04-2022: New (, new Toutatis version including new phase reference calculation (see Toutatis news)
05-03-2022: Fixed bug (, files of type *.cav were no longer read and all usuage error messages caused code crashes.
31-03-2022: New (, TraceWin and TraceWin-noX11/GUI version can be upgraded directly in console mode using '-upgrade" argument.
30-03-2022: Fixed bug (, version 2.17.5.(1-2-3) contain unacceptable bugs,
27-03-2022: Fixed bug (, Unexpected "basic_string::_S_construct" error, especially during error study,
25-03-2022: New (, increase from 4 to 9 of the maximum possible number of ADJUST command for one element,
19-03-2022: New (, improvement of error messages about the position of diagnostics defined in the TUNE_CAVITY command,
11-03-2022: New (, improvment of the Virtual Accelerator tool by adding hard-edge, QUAD and GAP elements and "Quick start from scratch" help has been add a the end of the Virtaul Accelerator chapter of TraceWin manual.
07-03-2022: Fixed bug (, SHIF_IN_FIELD_MAP, shifting diag position in FIELD_MAP element didn't appear in synoptic plots (J. Dumas, CEA).
01-03-2022: New (, better management of the DPI variation of the display screen.
03-02-2022: Fixed bug (, about twserver_without_X (linux and mac).
02-02-2022: Fixed bug (, unexpected waiting message at the end of a run when TraceWin GUI version is used in batch mode for very fast computation,
20-01-2022: New (, website redesign and name domain change.
05-01-2022: Fixed bug (, Hofmann diagram was broken in preceding version,
04-01-2022: New (, new chart “Absolute phase”. Increase in the maximum number of elements possible.
14-12-2021: Fixed bug (, the use of variable in the REPEAT_ELE command did not work,
07-12-2021: Fixed bug (, about the unit of the transverse defocal parameter of ELECTROSTA_ACC element,
06-12-2021: New (, SHIFT_IN_FIELD_MAP command allowing to shift a diagnostic element inside field map, has been extended to bending section field map,
03-12-2021: New (, an additional parameter has been added to the SET_ACHROMAT command and to the DIAG_ACHROMAT element to allow more flexibility,
29-11-2021: Fixed bug (, about the 3D aperture file map not working since a recent update,
09-11-2021: Fixed bug (, about unexpected changes in the parameters of a bend during matching,
27-10-2021: Fixed bug (, about segmentation violation error (crash) during some specific simulations using field map,
26-10-2021: Fixed bug (, about some abnormal instabilities during transient simulations,
20-10-2021: Fixed bug (, about VARIABLE command,
12-10-2021: Fixed bug (, the address of the license server has been changed, some more corrections needed.
08-10-2021: Fixed bug (, the address of the license server has been changed.
22-09-2021: Fixed bug (, the change of font size of the color bar labels in beam distribution graph did not work (Marc Syha, IAP).
03-09-2021: Fixed bug (, the "Synchronization feature was not working for Density Plots, Warning pops up with a time demand makes code crash, R. Weiss-Babai, SOREQ.
23-08-2021: New (, CLI or GUI application version could be checked using ‘-v’ or ‘-version’ argument,
02-08-2021: New (, display of the phase density can be done modulo 360° (see options from « Multiparticle » tab-sheet -> « Phase and energy limits),
28-07-2021: New (, mathematical expressions containing the usual mathematical operators and standard mathematical functions can be written to structure file using VARIABLE commands (see manual).
22-07-2021: New (, checked on Mac OS Monterey. Fixed bug, the 'path_cal' argument did not work in relative path, (Yngve Levinsen, ESS).
12-07-2021: Fixed bug (, input cavity phase shown in data tab-sheet was wrong when SUPERPOSED_MAP command is used, (G. Normand, GANIL)
02-07-2021: New (, the total number of computers used to study errors in TraceWin has increased from 100 to 300, (note that project files created or saved with this new version of TraceWin are no longer compatible with the old version of TraceWin. A second “.ini” file with “.old.ini” extension is created when saving, to keep this compatibility), M. Comunian, INFN.
28-06-2021: New (, checked on Windows 11.
25-06-2021: New (, improvement of the interpolator for cylindrical F(r,z) field map, H. Hähnel, IAP
21-06-2021: New (, markers are now displayed in envelope Plots,
10-06-2021: New (, in batch command, it is now possible to change the file name of FIELD_MAP elements,
03-06-2021: Fixed bug (, CURRENT element was not working version “”,
25-05-2021: Fixed bug (, PLOT_DST command cause failure during Partran optimization,
10-05-2021: New (, the nuclear data table (Button on the right of the species drop-down menu) was in French.
22-04-2021: Fixed bug (, a 100% error on a gradient of a quad caused an envelope transport error,
10-05-2021: New (, the nuclear data table (Button on the right of the species drop-down menu) was in French. 21-04-2021: Fixed bug (, fix bug under mac that freezes the application after some error messages.
19-04-2021: Fixed bug (, transverse beam divergence displayed in field map curving trajectory was showing sometime false discontinuities.
14-04-2021: Fixed bug (, beam power shown in “beam data” button from “Main” tab-sheet was wrong,
12-04-2021: New (, the possibility to use variables, which can be changed along the structure, has been added, (see the 'VARIABLE' command in the manual).
07-04-2021: New (, new synchronous phase definition has been added, both are still available (see manual for details). The magnetic gradient chart shows now 2 curves (linac: perfect machine, and beam: machine including error). Fixed bug, a 100% error on a gradient of a quad caused an envelope transport error,
31-03-2021: Fixed bug (, unexpected error message: “Matching_ and Matching(v3)_…“, when “Match with family” and “Match using diagnostics” are used together.
28-03-2021: New (, automatic update functionality has been added.
22-03-2021: Fixed bug (, incompatibility between last corrections made about P_E_LIMIT command and those defined in "Multiparticle" tab-sheet ->"Partran Energy and Phase limits”, New, particle parameters can be directly added from a nuclear data table (new Button on the right of the species drop-down menu).
15-03-2021: Fixed bug (, issue about P_E_LIMIT command,
10-03-2021: Fixed bug (, ERROR_QUAD_NCPL_STAT_FILE failure, because error file was not sent to remote computers, (A. Rubin, GSI).
08-03-2021: Fixed bug (, display mouse behavior problem in charts,
05-03-2021: New (, several options have been grouped in a specific box “Simulation options” in “Main” tab-sheet. It includes a new option allowing avoid warning message display about phase advance calculation failure. Crash in Toutatis code when number of particle is too low,
25-02-2021: Fixed bug (, segmentation violation error when importing beam parameters from a dst file in the second beam, New, option to save the UnChecked particles from a dst distribution has been added,
23-02-2021: New (, A new parameter has been added to the file (*.cav) describing the cavity parameters, for the calculation of RF transients, “phase margin”,
22-02-2021: Fixed bug (, bug has been fixed during back-tracking simulation in case of overlapping field map including map file of aperture,
15-02-2021: Fixed bug (, bug has been fixed In virtual machine matching.
09-02-2021: Fixed bug (, chart synchronization was not working properly for the secondary beam.
08-02-2021: New (, 4D and 6D emittance values are included in the errors study Statistic results, see “Histogram” plots from “Errors” tab-sheet, (M. Comunian, INFN).
05-02-2021: Fixed bug (, phase advance was wrong in tracking mode for CW beam with high transverse divergences. (
18-01-2021: Fixed bug (, the display and saving of the linked elements of the MATCH_FAM commands were not correctly done, even if the calculation was good. (
06-12-2020: New (, some improvements in TraceWinVA software about diagnostic and monitoring.
03-12-2020: New (, new feature in TraceWinVA software, diagnostic values resulting from the simulation can be sent to the real machine, allowing the virtual machine to be used to test high level control command procedures, , (M. Comunian, INFN).
30-11-2020: New (, improvement of the multi-screen management and addition of MacOS application menu bar. Fixed bug, TraceWinVA crash when simulation is done after connection to Epics.
13-10-2020: Fixed bug (, Beam CW flag behavior was wrong when you move from main beam and second beam and vice versa, (Yngve Levinsen, ESS).
12-10-2020: Fixed bug (, some file extensions could cause problem (A. Rubin, GSI).
11-11-2020: New (, user management improvement.
22-10-2020: Fixed bug (, unexpected density plot crashes have been fixed. New, option allowing to completely reset the program (see option menu).
15-10-2020: Fixed bug (, some beam data are missing, such beam power lost, in output charts when all beam are lost, (O. Tuske, CEA).
09-10-2020: Fixed bug (, seed error, ’Random_seed.log’, file was empty when error study was performed with only one computer, (Yngve Levinsen, ESS).
07-10-2020: Fixed bug (, the RFQ vanes, asymmetrically defined in the vane file, were not properly simulated, (M. Comunian, INFN).
02-10-2020: Fixed bug (, SHIFT_IN_FIELD_MAP commands were not take into account in output charts of diagnostics, (J.P. Carneiro, Fermilab)
01-10-2020: Fixed bug (, beam distributions were missing in PLT file at PLOT_DST commands position, (Ben Folsom, ESS)
24-09-2020: New (, improvement of the ACHROMAT_DIAG in case of presence of accelerating elements, (E. Traykov, IPHC).
23-09-2020: Fixed bug (, CW beam property wasn’t restored correctly when new project was loaded.
23-09-2020: New (, new option allowing during error study to save all full plt files for each run (Ben Folsom, ESS).
22-09-2020: New (, improvement of the losses position inside RFQ saved in losses_tout.dat file, (M. Comunian, INFN). Two new console commands, ‘partran’ & ‘toutatis’ allowing to avoid or to force tracking simulations (Yngve Levinsen, ESS).
04-09-2020: New (, a new option in “multipartcle” tabsheet -> “Partran options” allows to include text name of elements in “partran.out” file, (R. F. O’Shea, NUSANO).
02-09-2020: Fixed bug (, incompatibility between FIELD_MAP and READ_DST command has been fixed, (R. F. O’Shea, NUSANO).
24-08-2020: New (, improvement of the PLOT_DST command allowing to include lost particles in dst file, (Shuhui Liu, IMPCAS).
20-08-2020: Fixed bug (, PLOT_DST command saved beam distribution with wrong beam current, (R. Bodenstein, SCKCEN).
18-08-2020: New (, new chart, “Beam power”, has been added, (M. Comunian, INFN).
12-08-2020: Fixed bug (, directory problem in terminal mode, (P. Lyalyutskyy, Fermilab).
07-08-2020: New (, compatibility with MacOS Big Sur checked.
30-07-2020: Fixed bug (, wrong phase advance in bend element in tracking and modification of phase advance definition in envelope mode (F. Oshea, NUNANO).
13-07-2020: New (, DIAG_ACHROMAT or SET_ACHROMAT command based on the transfer matrix had no effect in tracking mode, now tracking beam dispersion is used and set to 0 in this mode (F. Oshea, NUNANO).
02-06-2020: Fixed bug (, fix bug in Mac OSX GUI transition between bunched and CW beam & command ‘Q’ make crash, (M. Schütt, IAP).
02-06-2020: Fixed bug (, fix bug in input longitudinal emittance conversion in “Main” tab-sheet under MacOS, (M. Schütt, IAP).
29-05-2020: Fixed bug (, fix bug in SHIFT_IN_FIELD_MAP command, (C. Oliver Amoros, CIEMAT).
22-05-2020: Fixed bug (, wrong losses displaying in RFQ structure (A. Orduz, GANIL)
18-05-2020: Fixed bug (, fix the wrong initial size of application for MacOS Catalina.
07-05-2020: New (, Dark theme has been added (see ‘Option’ in main menu).
05-05-2020: New (, Geometric layout file provided by synoptic tool can now include element boundary projections, (Ibon Bustinduy, ESS Bilbao).
28-04-2020: Fixed bug (, Phase advance chart could be wrong when it was synchronized (N. B. Kraljevic, ESS).
21-04-2020: Fixed bug (, “Confident level particle or power lost” charts don’t give right value when only 100% is asked (B. Y. Rendon, JPAC).
20-04-2020: Fixed bug (, impossible to choose floatable number for “Confident level particle or power lost”.
07-04-2020: Fixed bug (, in error study for input beam scan mode, reference output beam option gave wrong results, (B. Yee Rendon, JPAC).
01-04-2020: New (, minor improvements.
19-03-2020: Fixed bug (, fix a wrong output beam parameter in “PART_Diag.dat” file, (E. Nilsson, ESS).
04-03-2020: New (, improvement of the charts dedicated to the beam losses to clarify data shown, (Yan Fang, IHEP).
24-02-2020: Fixed bug (, some wrong data in new NCells charts (C. Oliver Amoros, CIEMAT). Improvement of the particle distribution generation in order to be exactly reproducible from a run to next one, (Yngve Levinsen, ESS).
06-02-2020: New (, new Twiss parameters histogram charts in statistical error study, (Hendrik Hähnel, IAP).
04-02-2020: New (, new charts given synchronous phase and length for each gap of NCELLS element, (C. Oliver Amoros, CIEMAT).
31-01-2020: New (, dispersion and beta function are available in tracking mode, (J.B. Lallemend, CERN).
10-01-2020: Fixed bug (, fatal failure in Toutatis simulation since version, (Yngve Levinsen, ESS).
08-01-2020: Fixed bug (, W_P_limit command failure in DRIFT element, (M. Comunian, INFN).
12-12-2019: New (, NCELLS element gap lengths can be defined directly according to beam velocity, allowing to simulate IH cavity, (C. Oliver Amoros, CIEMAT).
24-11-2019: New (, possibility to use absolute input phase in field map elements.
18-11-2019: Fixed bug (, compress option of data transfer for remote study could failed, (M. Comunian, INFN).
15-11-2019: New (, the default file name of the application is assigned to the 64-bit version, before stopping 32-bit versions.
12-11-2019: New (, coupled errors are now managed in superposed field maps, (H. Hähnel, IAP). Some more improvements to manage MacOS Catalina. Fixed bug, set particle number limit to 2^31, (M. Comunian, INFN).
07-11-2019: New (, improvement of MacOs Font management. Fixed bug, the bases of the “Confidence level particle lost” and “Confidence level power lost” curves were wrong, (Yuanshuai Qin, ESS). Code crashes in traking mode when second order 1D field development in FIELD_MAP was selected, (J. Dumas, CEA).
05-11-2019: New (, the distribution function could be added in the histogram chart (X. Zhu, CEA). Fixed bug, the SET_ADV command was not canceled by the LATTICE_END command, (Yuanshuai Qin, ESS).
30-10-2019: New (, new command ‘EXCITATION_CURVE2’ allowing to use a G(I) file in magnetic element. Fixed bug, a lost particle due to the parameters phase limit or energy limit could be put several times in the lost particles file, (Yngve Levinsen, ESS).
25-10-2019: Fixed bug (, space-charge + RFQ +Multi-threading feature can give results slightly variable from one run to another for the same machine, this version improves this point without completely correcting it, (R. Deepak, BNL).
23-10-2019: Fixed bug (, wrong field map extension expected by the code for field map type 0400, (M. Comunian, INFN). Some untimely GUI crashes when using simulation in transient mode.25-09-2019: New (, bug fixed in the preceding development (, (R. Prakash, Fermilab).
24-09-2019: New (, If ERROR_CAV_CPL_XXX and ERROT_QUAD_CPL_XXX commands are located at the same position with the same N parameters then error displacements and rotations applied on cavities and magnet elements will be the same. In this case, error amplitudes are by default defined by ERROR_CAV_CPL_XX (R. Prakash, Fermilab).
23-09-2019: New (, new parameter CHANGE_BEAM parameter in order to be able to cancel beam energy error.
19-09-2019: New (, new parameter in ERROR_XXX commands allowing to limit the number of elements where errors are applied, selecting them randomly. For example, cut off a cavity randomly chosen, is possible, see manual, (M. Comunian, INFN).
18-09-2019: New (, new option has been added to ERROR_XX commands allowing to apply randomly an error either to 0 or to a specified value, (M. Comunian, INFN).
05-09-2019: Fixed bug (, wrong gradient calculation for some specific lattice configurations (H. Hähnel, IAP).
22-08-2019: Fixed bug (, ambiguity about the name of the density file making a wrong recognition of the internal format (H. Hähnel, IAP).
19-08-2019: New (, in “Errors” tab-sheet, a new option “Full partran.out file” allows during error study to have ‘partran.out” file containing output beam parameters either at output of each element or only at the output of last one.
11-07-2019: Fixed bug (, ouv file was forgotten during field map conversion to binary or ASCII files, (Jin Hyunchang, IBS).
18-07-2019: New (, some manual improvements.
11-07-2019: Fixed bug (, NCELLS errors when absolute phase option is selected and phase mode type 3 has been removed from manual (L. Zhihui, Sichuan University)
08-07-2019: New (, GUI improvements to manage MacOs Catalina.
17-06-2019: New (, GUI improvements for Win10 & MacOs Mojave.
04-06-2019: New (, checked on MacOs Mojave.
09-04-2019: New (, Aperture element type 3 has been improved to better match the required beam fraction to be removed.
04-04-2019: Fixed bug (, "Emit. growth(%) & Losses” chart from “Errors” tab-sheet was wrong from 2.16.012 version, (Hendrik Hähnel, IAP).
02-04-2019: Fixed bug (, problem of displaying the titles of particle distribution charts for large fonts.
25-03-2019: Fixed bug (, improvement of the command PHASE_ERROR_TO_SYNC_PHASE in order to retune the following cavities without not concerned by error and having a SET_SYNC_PHASE command, (Yuanshuai Qin, ESS).
08-03-2019: Fixed bug (, EXITATION_CURVE command was not correctly managed in back-tracking simulation (R. Ferdinand, GANIL).
27-02-2019: New (, during error study reference beam used to calculate relative emittance growths came from one run reference simulation without error; even when statistical simulation without error was selected. Now, reference beam is extracted from statistical simulation results, (Hendrik Hähnel, Frankfurt University).
26-02-2019: Fixed bug (, Alignment method could fail when maximum steerer strength value was requested (YuanShuai Qin, ESS). Accented characters were not accepted in the name of particles (R. Ferdinand, GANIL) New, two dispersion definitions are available to use according to option from “Main” tab-sheet (YuanShuai Qin, ESS).
15-02-2019: Fixed bug (, Tuning cavity process (TUNE_CAVITY) gave wrong tuning when beam was out of center. Toutatis failure during input beam matching process (Arup Ratan Jana, RRCAT)
13-02-2019: Fixed bug (, THIN_STEERING element does not correctly steer the reference beam that can cause instabilities in following field map elements.
07-02-2019: Fixed bug (, unexpected error message, “GVzPart <=0” during RFQ simulation (M. Communinan, INFN). Bug found in output edge angle of bending magnet, applying correction angle to the wrong direction (N. Milas, ESS).
01-02-2019: Fixed bug (, email failure on windows8.
15-01-2019: Fixed bug (, some accelerating elements were not included into back-tracking feature, (Seok Ho Moon, UNIST).
10-01-2019: New (, the possibility to get the location of the securities key file (*.key) has been added in the “Help” menu, (Yngve Levinsen, ESS).
07-01-2019: Fixed bug (, input beam scan failure during error study, some cases are missing or doubled (YuanShuai Qin, ESS).
21-12-2018: Fixed bug (, structure file from back simulation was wrong in some cases (F. Bouly, LPSC).
21-12-2018: Fixed bug (, field map loading failure (Shuhui Liu, IMPCAS).
10-12-2018: Fixed bug (, tracking failure in field map curving trajectory element (M. Comunian, INFN).
06-12-2018: New (, back tracking feature has been added, see chapter “Back simulations” in help file.
21-11-2018: New (, Diagnostics elements can be localized in field map element using a new command, SHIFT_IN_FIELD_MAP, see help for details, (Yngve Levinsen, ESS). Fixed bug, dispersion could be wrong in field map elements.
12-10-2018: Fixed bug (, TUNE_CAVITY could fail in DTL tank when last BPM was not located at the tank end, (Mamad Eshraqi, ESS).
08-10-2018: New (, Toutatis stability improvements.
04-10-2018: Fixed bug (, particles conversion from a dst file to a CW distribution failure, (Yngve Levinsen, ESS).
03-10-2018: Fixed bug (, particles selection in distribution charts was not possible anymore (J. Dumas, CEA). Space-charge failure with 0 length drifts, (Yngve Levinsen, ESS).
24-09-2018: Fixed bug (, own element library (*.so) failure has been fixed, (L. Perrot, IPNO).
05-09-2018: New (, add of a rms emittance filtering to remove emittance noise or tails (tool available in the emittance viewer box of particle distribution chart.
31-08-2018: Fixed bug (, a mistake has been introduced in the preceding version concerning emittance calculation.
30-08-2018: Fixed bug (, TUNE_CAVITY process failed with DTL_CEL when some extra elements were inserted in the structure, (Mamad Eshraqi, ESS).
29-08-2018: Fixed bug (, "Compress data transfer" option of “Remote computers” box could make data transfers failure under certain conditions, (Hendrik Hähnel, IAP).
22-08-2018: Fixed bug (, Field map tools could lose the correct path of files under certain conditions.
08-08-2018: New (, Virtual Accelerator software, TraceWinVA for Linux has been changed from 32bits to 64bits version.
03-08-2018: New (, Improved default browser support used for direct access to the user manual.
27-07-2018: New (, minor corrections and improvements.
18-07-2018: Fixed bug (, GAP transfer matrix calculation and documentation was not exactly identical, (ZhiJun Wang, IMP).
12-07-2018: Fixed bug (, bug fixed about PHASE_ERROR_TO_SYNC_PHASE command, (M. Comunian, INFN).
11-07-2018: New (, first beta version of Virtual Accelerator software, TraceWinVA is available.
09-07-2018: New (, A new flag allows to avoid to consider “All particle lost” as an error in remote computations, see “Multiparticle” tab-sheet -> “Distribution Output file…”, (M. Comunian, INFN).
04-07-2018: New (, A new file “Transfer_matrix1.dat” containing the total transfer matrix along the structure has been created, (ZhiJun Wang, IMP)
27-06-2018: Fixed bug (, synchronous phase was wrong in CAVSIN element (Anne-Sophie Chauchat, Thales).
27-06-2018: Fixed bug (, 3D aperture field map failure, (A Drouart, CEA).
18-06-2018: New (, A new short chapter associated with the command CHANGE_BEAM explaining how make TraceWin input file from Toutatis output files, has been added in the documentation (Toutatis Using in TraceWin). Fixed bug, beam loss file was not created under Mac OS, (Ryoichi Miyamoto, ESS).
18-05-2018: Fixed bug (, transfer matrix shown, took account by mistake errors of the linac structure, (Zhijun Wang, IMP).
16-05-2018: Fixed bug (, adds “;” in the TraceWin editor in front of file name of the PLOT_DST command did not cancel dst file saving, (Mamad Eshraqi, ESS).
14-05-2018: Fixed bug (, close input Twiss dialog box by pressing Escape froze main GUI, (Maximilian Schütt, IAP).
24-04-2018: Fixed bug (, phase value of lost particle could be wrong in some specific cases, (R. Ferdinand, GANIL).
17-04-2018: New (, improvement of PLOT_DST command allowing to save in a dst file, (M. Comunian, INFN). Fixed bug, documentation extraction failure.
13-04-2018: Fixed bug (, in particles phase space plots, the feature allowing to select particles to following them could give unexpected behavior in case of several runs, (R. Ferdinand, GANIL). Unexpected frozen size of windows in some Linux versions. Dispersion was wrong with accelerating elements, (YuanShuai Qin, ESS). Error in field map curving trajectory (M. Comunian, INFN). New, Improvement of multi-screen management.
22-03-2018: Fixed bug (, movable menu bars of chart plot could be out of the window and lost, (Yngve Levinsen, ESS).
20-03-2018: Fixed bug (, the positioning preferences of the chart windows were systematically lost under linux.
16-03-2018: Fixed bug (, compress option of error study failed when calculation path contained special characters (J. Dumas, CEA).
06-03-2018: New (, improvement of the sub directory management, especially allowing installation in protected directory as “Program file” on Windows OS.
19-02-2018: Fixed bug (, phase advances, (kox,y) in presence of transvers coupling, typically solenoid element, were wrong (Li Zhihui, Sichuan University).
09-02-2018: Fixed bug (, failure on twserver.
26-01-2018: New (, twserver has been improved in order to limit the number of jobs lower than number of cores, (Yngve Levinsen, ESS).
25-01-2018: New (, new command “EXCITATION_CURVE” allowing to define magnetic B or G(i) for magnetic field map element for control it directly using power supply current.
21-12-2017: Fixed bug (, unit of sigma value of “angle” was wrong, (A. Drouart, CEA).
06-12-2017: Fixed bug (, failure in the 64bit version dedicated to old Linux OS.
23-11-2017: New (, some needed improvements for Mac Sierra and High Sierra compatibility.
16-11-2017: New (, new feature in space-charge options, if Nz<0 longitudinal forces are canceled, if Nrxy<0 transverse forces are canceled, both cancel space-charge, (Mamad Eshraqi, ESS).
10-11-2017: Fixed bug (, range of beam size plot was wrong, (Mamad Eshraqi, ESS).
06-11-2017: New (, improvement of DIAG_POSITION curve, adding beam phase data, (Mamad Eshraqi, ESS).
26-10-2017: Fixed bug (, inadvertent appearance of an option on some OS, (Yngve Levinsen, ESS)
24-10-2017: Fixed bug (, output partran plots were frozen when main process was in a paused state.
23-10-2017: Fixed bug (, bug with dipole angle greater than 90°, (Qiao Jian, SINAP).
23-10-2017: Fixed bug (, bug in alignment process with partran.
11-10-2017: Fixed bug (, bug in transfer matrix in the presence of accelerating element, (Juan F. Esteban Müller, ESS).
28-09-2017: New (, some improvements about space-charge.
06-09-2017: New (, diagnostics elements transverse positions can be linked to following element positions affected by errors and SHIFT commands, see DIAG_XX help.
05-09-2017: New (, minor improvements.
01-09-2017: New (, improvement in DTL_CEL model, (Mamad Eshraqi, ESS).
29-08-2017: Fixed bug (, bug in field map integrator since version making artificial phase shifts, (Jonathan. Dumas, CEA).
24-08-2017: Fixed bug (, wrong total linac length in “tracewin.out” file when structure finished by a field map element, (E. Laface, ESS).
22-08-2017: New (, Chinese or other local non Ansi languages are now supported in file path and name. Simplifications and improvements in multi-threaded mode management. Fixed bug, shift parameter of DRIFT element failed when negative, (Aurélien Ponton, ESS).
03-08-2017: New (, improvements of the tune footprint, Qxy tools (Ingo Hofmann, GSI).
02-08-2017: Fixed bug (, partran matching with diagnostics feature was broken since version, (A..Molodozhentsev, ELI).
28-07-2017: Fixed bug (, correction in phase shift in thin gap (Emanuele Laface, ESS).
27-07-2017: New (, serious improvement of the speed of syntax rules of text editor, freezing the GUI for huge structure file size.
25-07-2017: New (, implementation of the specific tool allowing to plot the particle footprint (Qx, Qy), a new file containing moments has been added (Ingo Hofmann, GSI).
19-07-2017: New (, new command “SHIFT_BEAM”, allowing to move the transverse beam centroid. (R. Duperrier, CEA)
10-07-2017: Fixed bug (, phase spaces chart buttons of “Input twiss parameters” were not useable, (Max Schütt, IPA).
04-07-2017: Fixed bug (, part of diag_PAR.dat file was missing when RFQ cells were inserted between diagnostics elements, (C. Plostinar, ESS).
03-07-2017: New (, new batch command “synoptic_file” allowing to save the geometric layout of the linac, (Yngve Levinsen, ESS). Fixed bug, aperture file from FIELD_MAP element was set by mistake as missing with noX11 versions, (Yngve Levinsen, ESS)
28-06-2017: New (, new files “Cav_set_point_res.txt” and ““Cav_set_point_res_Tot_X_XX.txt” (error study) are created in order to save the reference and final synchronous phase and field amplitude values of each cavity. A new tool has been added in “Errors” page in order to extract useful statistical results.
21-06-2017: New (, new button, ‘%’, in chart windows allowing to plot relative value normalized to the starting value, (Malte Schwarz, IAP). Fixed bug, THIN_MATRIX plot was wrong in density chart, (A. Chance, CEA).
07-06-2017: New (, apertures are also plotted for X&Y envelopes charts, (Nghiem Phu Anh Phi, CEA).
02-06-2017: Fixed bug (, Incompatibility with machines having a very large memory. (H. Hähnel, IPA Frankfurt).
05-05-2017: Fixed bug (, remote computations have been broken in preceding version
03-05-2017: New (, set of particle extracted form a dst file can be different at each run if the number of particle specified by user is smaller than the file contains and if “Random Seed” is not frozen. A new output corresponding to range of beam size has been added in the accumulate density files, (Mamad Eshraqi, ESS). Fixed bug, steerer correction could fail when “simplex” algorithm is used, (Renato Prisco, ESS). The command FIELD_MAP_PATH sometime doesn’t find the right path. The length of zero length drift was set to 10-6 m instead 0, (Mamad Eshraqi, ESS).
24-04-2017: Fixed bug (, lost particles could appear several times in the loss file "Losses_PAR.dat".
21-04-2017: New (, font management improvements in chart plots.
11-04-2017: Fixed bug (, multi-threading issue.
11-04-2017: New (, example projects provided in the “Help” menu can be run without security key.
31-03-2017: New (, in “Errors” page, the possibility to make statistic for ‘0’ case when input beam reference is chosen, has been added. (Hendrik Hähnel, IAP). Fixed bug, phase to z conversion displayed could be wrong when too many particles were lost, (J. Dumas, CEA). Fixed bug, MY_ELE failed, when REPEA_ELE command was defined in the upstream structure, (Nghiem Phu Anh Phi, CEA).
24-03-2017: New (, display improvement when a secondary beam is involved in a matching in order to see diagnostics values for both beams.
21-03-2017: Fixed bug (, minor corrections.
17-03-2017: Fixed bug (, some data were missing in output density file when all particles were lost, (Ryoichi Miyamoto, ESS). Upgrade of the documentation about syntax of density file, (Shuhui Liu, IMPCAS).
06-03-2017: New (, minor improvements. Fixed bug, MY_DIAG element simulation failed during remote process (Oliver Amoros Concepcion, CIEMAT).
16-02-2017: New (, new and improved way to tune cavity using 2 BPMs, see documentation of TUNE_CAVITY command for details. Fixed bug, space-charge field map was not normalized by the ki factor of FIELD_MAP parameters as suggested in the documentation, (Yngve Inntjore Levinsen, ESS).
15-02-2017: Fixed bug (, 3D aperture map files were missing during remote error studies, (A. Chance, CEA).
14-02-2017: Fixed bug (, incompatibility between SHIFT command and losses management, (Ryoichi Miyamoto, ESS).
10-02-2017: New (, minor improvements.
06-02-2017: New (, element names are put on phase space graph, (M. Comunian, INFN).
03-02-2017: Fixed bug (, energy spread issue for CW second beam, (M. Comunian, INFN).
02-02-2017: Fixed bug (, in TUNE_CAVITY command when two BMP are used.
31-01-2017: Fixed bug (, code start-up was very slow when the dat file size was huge.
27-01-2017: New (, implementation of a specific tool allowing to plot the particle footprint (Qx, Qy), (Ingo Hofmann, GSI). Fixed bug, electron option failed in batch mode, (Anne-Sophie Chauchat, Thales).
20-01-2017: New (, cavity tuning procedure has been added, see TUNE_CAVITY command.
13-01-2017: New (, improvement of W_P_LIMIT command, see documentation, (M. Comunian, INFN).
03-01-2017: New (, a preview of the shape and orientation of the generated ellipse in phase space is available in “Twiss parameters” input box, (M. Schwarz, Frankfurt University). Improvement of the seed management of the errors according to the type of element considered, (Ryoichi Miyamoto, ESS).
07-12-2016: Fixed bug (, the remaining time displayed during error studies was wrong.
30-11-2016: Fixed bug (, synchronous phase plot could show wrong values in tracking mode with big phase error, (Ryoichi Miyamoto, ESS).
23-11-2016: Fixed bug (, phase advance with zero current imprecision in drift element.
15-11-2016: Fixed bug (, GFR parameter of quad element was not correctly applied (A. Molodozhentsev, ELI-beams).
15-11-2016: New (, multi space-charge kick is now possible and optional in tracking mode for QUAD and QUAD_ELE elements (see space-charge options), (Mamad Eshraqi, ESS).
15-11-2016: Fixed bug (, the dos version TraceWin(64)_noGUI.exe was corrupted, (Yuanshuai Qin, IMPCAS).
08-11-2016: New (, new chart, “Geometric emittances” has been added (A. Molodozhentsev, ELI-beams).
04-11-2016: New (, DIAG_SET_MATRIX improvement in order to allow to use several transfer matrix at the same time with different starting point, (Oliver Amoros, Concepcion, CIEMAT).
25-10-2016: New (, improvement of the emittance calculation for unconventional beam (A. Molodozhentsev, ELI-beams).
12-10-2016: Fixed bug (, the phase advance calculated in envelope mode did not correspond exactly to the documentation definition, (Yuanshuai Qin, IMPCAS).
26-09-2016: New (, a new option has been added in ERROR_XXX commands allowing to randomly distribute the error between only 2 values (+MaxErr, -MaxErr), (M. Comunian, INFN). New, possibility to add N x rms beam size curve with particle density distribution charts has been add, (Ole Hinrichs, IPA). Fixed bug, unexpected overwriting file permissions on the structure file, (Yngve Inntjore Levinsen, ESS).
22-09-2016: Fixed bug (, ERROR_SET_RATIO command didn’t accept ‘0’ as ratio value, (M. Comunian, INFN). New, Max and Min centroid position plots are combined in the same plot, (P. Nghiem, CEA). Some minor documentation improvements.
11-08-2016: Fixed bug (, ‘Compress data transfer’ option could fail on some Linux OS.
05-08-2016: New (, error study: improvement of the speed of the file transfer to remote computers using ‘Compress data transfer’ option.
01-08-2016: Fixed bug (, error study: remote computer management could become instable when the number of computers was bigger than 100.
22-07-2016: New (, criteria modification for the set of command, SET_POSITION, SET_BEAM_PHASE_ADV, SET_SEPARATION, MIN_EMIT_GROW, SET_SIZE in order to be closer to the criteria used in DIAG command way, which are more efficient, (C. Oliver, CIEMAT).
22-07-2016: Fixed bug (, GUI issue.
18-07-2016: New (, in case of CW beam the energy spread beam parameter is affected by longitudinal emittance growth error amplitude, ’dez’, defined in ERROR_BEAM_STAT command, (M. Comunian, INFN).
18-07-2016: Fixed bug (, field_map tools 3D viewer was broken, (M. Comunian, INFN).
13-07-2016: New (, GUI improvements.
12-07-2016: New (, average result charts have been added in statistical outputs, (A. Molodozhentsev, ELI-Beam). Fixed bug, in the histogram charts, the average and rms values displayed were wrong since version when “Nbr of step” parameter was bigger than 1, (A. Molodozhentsev, ELI-Beam).
08-07-2016: Fixed bug (, in the histogram charts, the average and rms values displayed were calculated from the histogram values rather than the original data, giving sometimes inaccurate values, (A. Molodozhentsev, ELI-Beam).
07-07-2016: New (, display in the output beam histograms of the statistical error study of the number of linac which lost all particles, (Renato de Prisco, ESS).
01-07-2016: Fixed bug (, legend font was lost for some type of picture formats.
29-06-2016: Fixed bug (, improvement of formatting of high resolution PNG picture, (Yngve Inntjore Levinsen, ESS).
17-06-2016: New (, display improvements for density plots.
14-06-2016: New (, possibility to add 99% beam size curve with particle density distribution charts has been add, (Ole Hinrichs, IPA). Improvements into automatic steering process.
09-06-2016: Fixed Bug (, issue with the phase option in GAP or DTL_CEL element, (Renato de Prisco, ESS).
08-06-2016: Fixed Bug (, the particles exclude from emittance calculation was not (E-Esyn)/Esyn>Elimit as indicated in multiparticle options box, but (E-Esync)>Elimt, (Mamad Eshraqi, ESS), Fixed Bug, quad errors were applied on DIAG or THIN_STEERING elements when they were located just after magnetic element. Then, they were visible in the output error file even if they did not affect the beam, (Renato de Prisco, ESS).
03-06-2016: New (, new command allowing to define along the structure the beam energy and phase spread limits, see W_E_LIMIT command in the help (M. Comunian, INFN), improvements into automatic steering process.
02-05-2016: New (, improvement in the particle distribution input file management, (P. Nghiem, CEA).
25-04-2016: Fixed bug (, the apertures plotted in radial density plot were wrong for circular aperture elements, (Ryoichi Miyamoto, ESS).
13-04-2016: Fixed bug (, RFQ_GEOM command type 3 failure, (Aurelien Ponton, ESS).
11-04-2016: Fixed bug (, minor bug fixed in the syntax rules of the structure file text editor, (Ryoichi Miyamoto, ESS).
30-03-2016: Fixed bug (, unexpected Toutatis error (type 9), (Yngve Inntjore Levinsen, ESS).
25-03-2016: New (, a new probability plot, “histogram total power linac lost” has been added, (M. Comunian, INFN).
23-03-2016: New (, an ASCII table similar to partran1.out file is written for envelope calculations, “tracewin.out”, (Yngve Inntjore Levinsen, ESS).
23-03-2016: Fixed bug (, coordinates of the middle of the bend saved in the geometric layout from the synoptic tools were wrong, (Mamad Eshraqi, ESS).
18-03-2016: New (, DRIFT element improvement in order to introduce a non-central aperture (Heine Dølrath Thomsen, ESS). Fixed bug, drift with rectangular aperture could cause unexpected losses with 2D space-charge (Cai Meg, IHEP)
11-03-2016: Fixed bug (, simulation of RFQ part could fail when GapFFS variable was defined, (Mridula Mittal, IPR).
24-02-2016: New (, MATCH_FAM_GRAD command has been extended to match also field gradient of magnetic dipole, (Lei Du, Tsinghua University)
22-02-2016: New (, some new data have been included in the error file result, "Statistic_Errors_1_PAR.txt" (beam Twiss parameters), see "Error file result" in Help, (M. Comunian, INFN).
08-02-2016: New (, Absolute phase has been added in the data page (J.L. Biarrotte, IPNO).
04-02-2016: Fixed bug (, phase advance calculation mistake in field map in Partran mode, (Arup Ratan Jana, RRCAT), New, improvement of MARKER command, (Mamad Eshraqi, ESS).
02-02-2016: Fixed bug (, incompatibly between ADJUST field of a cavity element and SET_SYNC_PHASE, (J.L. Biarrotte, IPNO).
19-01-2016: Fixed bug (, beam parameters were missing in the new ini file created when a DST file was defined as input arguments, (Yngve Inntjore Levinsen, ESS).
12-01-2016: New (, Chopper number limitation has been increased from 20 to 200 (Ryoichi Miyamoto, ESS).
01-12-2015: Fixed bug (, SET_BEAM_PHASE_ERROR command was not applied at the right position in DTL_CEL and NCELLS elements (R. Miyamoto, ESS). Field map files type 9, G(z) were not copied during error studies, Shuhui Liu, IMPCAS)
27-11-2015: New (, Improvement of the function “Copy set of data” from remote computer box (Y. I. Levinsen, ESS).
19-11-2015: New (, a unused variable set to 0 in “partran1.out” output file has been added again, (R. Miyamoto, ESS).
17-11-2015: New (, some improvements have been done concerning aperture plotting for superposed field maps, (Weilong Chen, IMPCAS).
10-11-2015: New (, the number of visible particles is print at the bottom of the distribution chart, Nicolas Pichoff, CEA). Fixed bug, some losses could be written twice in the ASCII lost particles file, (B. Dalena, CEA). The function “Copy set of data” from remote computer box failed (Y. I. Levinsen, ESS).
09-11-2015: Fixed bug (, command line argument ‘path_cal’ could failed, (Yngve Inntjore Levinsen, ESS).
04-11-2015: Fixed bug (, Toutatis lost particles file contained all initial distribution, (B. Dalena, CEA)
30-10-2015: Fixed bug (, Toutatis centroid phases plotted were reversed. New, Windows10 compatibility has been checked. New saved ASCII format distribution is now compatible with PlotWin import format, (A. D. Russo, INFN).
29-10-2015: New (, minor improvements.
22-10-2015: Fixed bug (, error in centroid conversion (phase to Z) plotting, (P. Nghiem, CEA).
21-10-2015: Fixed bug (, inopportune crash since version, (Yngve Inntjore Levinsen, ESS).
19-10-2015: New (, possibility to set a marker has been added, (Mamad Eshraqi, ESS).
17-10-2015: New (, multi-threading capability option is not more activated by default. A new file containing only lost particles in tracking mode is created, Fixed bug, since version, the quadrupole error rotations applied in envelope mode were wrong. (Yngve Inntjore Levinsen, ESS). New, Number of total cores of remote computers has been increase from 1000 to 10000 and the computers list can be saved and loaded, (M. Comunian, INFN).
15-09-2015: Fixed bug (, simulation in field map could failed when the memory required for read field map was bigger than the limit defined in the “Main” page, (Anna Rubin, GSI).
15-09-2015: Fixed bug (, accuracy has been improved concerning some input beam parameters such phase centroid or beam mass, (Ryoichi Miyamoto, ESS).
07-09-2015: New (, some GUI improvements, Fixed bug, beta function was wrong when longitudinal element such buncher changes the bunch length (Huan Jia, IMPCAS). Fixed bug, some issues concerning html based help system for MacOS have been fixed (Yngve Inntjore Levinsen, ESS)
21-07-2015: Fixed bug (, some field maps were missing on remote computers during error studies (Francesco Schillaci, INFN)
21-07-2015: Fixed bug (, “Send project” button failed on Windows8
17-07-2015: Fixed bug (, wrong position of particle plot in phase space chart for strong off-centre beam. (A Chancé, CEA)
10-07-2015: Fixed bug (, in some specific cases, some particles lost in Toutatis were not always set as lost in the output dst file.
08-07-2015: New (, the maximum number of field can be superposed has been increase from 300 to 1000, (M. Comunian, INFN).
07-07-2015: Fixed bug (, direction of THIN_STEERING kick varied depending on running mode, envelope or Partran (Arun Saini, FNAL)
06-07-2015: Fixed bug (, the standard output was systematically canceled for console version, not taking into account the ‘hide’ argument.
03-07-2015: New (, new commands, ERROR_STAT_FILE and ERROR_DYN_FILE allow to replace static or/and dynamic errors defined by usual error commands (ERROR_QUAD_.XX, ERROR_CAV_XX…), by the values put in the file, see documentation, (Renato de Prisco, ESS).
25-06-2015: Fixed bug (, unit of GFR parameter of QUAD element was wrong, (Heine Dølrath Thomsen, ESS).
17-06-2015: New (, new parameter added in CHANGE_BEAM command allowing to apply changing in a shifted position in FIELD_MAP element (Lars Groening, GSI).
10-06-2015: Fixed bug (, sign of THIN_STEERING element was wrong. Header of the ASCII file extracted from envelope chart was wrong, (Ryoichi Miyamoto, ESS). Unexpected loss in the RFQ (Lei Du, Tsinghua University)
26-05-2015: New (, possibility to defined energy spread for CW beam, (Y. Levinsen, ESS). Fixed bug, binary conversion of 3D aperture map file (*.ouv) failed. Interpolation has been removed when the field map is an aperture map. 3D field map did not work in field map curving reference trajectory (A. Drouart, CEA).
27-04-2015: Fixed bug (, in SET_OF_MAP command (Renato de Prisco, ESS).
24-04-2015: Fixed bug (, abnormal message about the difference of frequency defined in structure could sometimes happen.
21-04-2015: Fixed bug (, “Copy” button from chart was broken and “Open help examples” menu was broken due to GUI upgrading. Off momentum transport in field map curving reference trajectory was wrong (David Boutin, IPHC).
20-04-2015: New (, Graphical User Interfaces upgrading form Qt-5.3.0 to Qt-5.4.1 for some versions. Fixed bug, frozen transport in field map curving reference trajectory (David Boutin, IPHC).
16-04-2015: New (, a possibility for user to select its own browser to read html help file has been added. Field map values can be read at a given position (x, y, z) in the field map viewer tool (Abhishek Pathak, BARC). Fixed bug, keyboard was fozen when linux version was opened in MacOs form ssh, (Y. Levinsen, ESS).
01-03-2015: New (, documentation in HTML and internal standalone browser.
01-03-2015: Fixed bug (, code stability improvements when beam parameters were very far from the nominal case. GEOM_FILE command has been improved (see documentation), (Y. Levinsen, ESS).
25-03-2015: New (, Graphical User Interfaces upgrading form Qt-4.8.5 to Qt-5.3.0
20-03-2015: New (, GUI improvements.
19-03-2015: New (, a new beam chart, “Mismatch factor”, is available, see “Mismatch factor” chapter in documentation, (I. Hofmann, GSI).
12-03-2015: Fixed bug (, minimum radius parameter (a) was not correctly calculated in Toutatis for TWOTERMS RFQ, when input RFQ file came from TraceWin dat file. It’s why a new parameter “Minimum radius, a” has been added in RFQ_CEL data, this parameter is mandatory for TWOTERMS option. (B. Dalena, CEA). New, some improvements of the GUI. A new example has been added, “Adjust_input_beam”, (Jose V Mathew, BARC).
03-03-2015: New (, when a dst_filex input was specified in batch mode, it was impossible to modify the particle mass or the beam energy (J.L. Biarrotte, IPNO)
23-02-2015: New (, a header including system and code version has been added in the created dat file, A new RF phase definition, (type 3), has been added in GAP, NCELL and DTL_CEL elements. A last line including the value of beam losses is saved in the “partran.out” file when the beam is fully lost (Mohammad Eshraqi, ESS).
12-02-2015: New (, variable apertures of APERTURE element type 3 is visible in envelope plots. Some GUI improvments.
10-02-2015: Fixed bug (, since version in SET_BEAM_PHASE_ERROR command, (Y. Levinsen, ESS). Fixed bug in density file merging when the structure lengths are different, (Y. Levinsen, ESS). New, possibility to perform a set of project copy for external use (see “Computers box” -> “Copy set of data” button), (Y. Levinsen, ESS). Fixed bug in multipole components defined by GFR variable, (Heine Dølrath Thomsen, ESS).
04-02-2015: New (, new feature in synoptic tool allowing to write in a file the geometric layout in the global reference system, (Mohammad Eshraqi, ESS). A new ways to set multipole components has been implemented in QUAD element, see documentation, (Heine Dølrath Thomsen, ESS).
15-01-2015: Fixed bug (, beam current error from ERROR_BEAM command was canceled in the first RFQ_CEL element, (M. Comunian, INFN).
30-01-2015: New (, improvement of the proxy server configuration management.
28-01-2015: Fixed bug (, in DIAG_SET_MATRIX with relative position, (Heine Dølrath Thomsen, ESS). Relative path for RFQ vane file in RFQ_GEOM command failed in batch mode, (J.L. Biarrotte, IPNO).
27-01-2015: New (, possibility to use relative position has been add to DIAG_ACHROMAT and DIAG_SET_MATRIX elements, (Heine Dølrath Thomsen, ESS).
22-01-2015: New (, example files have been upgraded and a new one ‘cavity_failure _recovery” has been added. The “density_ENV.dat” file, sometime missing is now always created at the end of computation.
15-01-2015: Fixed bug (, minor correction concerning DTL_CEL translation to elementary elements in output new dat file and error study treatments (M. Comunian, INFN).
14-01-2015: Fixed bug (, in transfer matrix calculated with field map curving reference trajectory, (A. Drouart, CEA).
13-01-2015: New (, if dst_filex input is specified in batch mode, the input beam parameters (emittances and twiss parameters) are automatically extracted from the specified file and used for computation and cannot be changed by corresponding input commands. Other parameters as beam centroid, current, particles number are still modifiable. (J.L. Biarrotte, IPNO).
09-01-2015: Fixed bug (, documentation typo about density file syntax have been corrected (L. Perrot, IPNO), Extra Steerer parameters are lost during errors study, (R. Miyamoto, ESS). New structure file (see Ver provided, when structure contains DTL_CEL elements, prevented error study (Yngve Levinsen, ESS). Some minor improvement in Toutatis output file (F. Robin, GANIL)
17-12-2014: Fixed bug (, input beam conversion issue, (M. Valette, CEA). Fix some issues about user space-charge routine and associated documentation, (E. Laface, ESS).
15-12-2014: New (, a finale structure file is written at the end of computation in calculation directory, a new one has been added replacing DTL_CEL element by a sequence of its elementary components, (Renato de Prisco, ESS).
11-12-2014: Fixed bug (, Transfer matrix plotted with field map curving reference trajectory were wrong, (A. Drouart, CEA).
11-12-2014: New (, improvement of the tools allowing to merge density files (Y. Levinsen, ESS).
10-12-2014: Fixed bug (, documentation corrections concerning TraceWin gradient definition and ESS steerer changes, (R. Miyamoto, ESS).
04-12-2014: New (, 2 new input commands for batch have been added (dw1 & dw2), see documentation page 19, (Heine Dølrath Thomsen, ESS)
01-12-2014: New (, Improvement in the file transfer from remote machines and to reduce the size of file transfers, a file compression option has been added (see in “Computer” box).
24-11-2014: New (, improvement of the accuracy of the printing of Twiss parameters extracted from the input dst file, (R. Miyamoto, ESS).
21-11-2014: New (, all file path including field map name or FIELD_MAP_PATH command can be defined as relative or absolute to the ini project file path.
17-11-2014: Fixed bug (, in envelope space-charge in case of very small beam coupling. New, improvement in output TXT file extracted from the power and distribution density level chart, (Ibon Bustinduy, ESS Bilbao).
07-11-2014: New (, a possibility to remove esc-characters from stdout for console version (“hide_esc” command) has been added. Unnecessary disk write has been removed. Update of the documentation about density_XX.dat file syntax (Y. Levinsen, ESS).
24-10-2014: Fixed bug (, abnormal envelope behavior with beam out of axis in 1D RF field maps, (Mohammad Eshraqi, ESS).
23-10-2014: New (, disk free space size is checked before to write PLT file, (Y. Levinsen, ESS).
17-10-2014: Fixed bug (, abnormal poor speed-up could occur on multi-core machines (more than 12) when the number of particle is lower than 10000.
16-10-2014: Fixed bug (, GUI drawing problem, when TraceWin started from an X11 eternal server (Yngve Levinsen, ESS).
13-10-2014: New (, 3 new input commands for batch have been added, see page 19 in documentation (R. Miyamoto, ESS). Fixed bug, the computation step in partran mode was sometime not coherent with the one defined for space-charge (N. Chauvin, CEA). Fixed bug, SET_TWISS criterion was not exactly calculated as specified in the documentation, (Rajni Pande, BARC).
11-09-2014: Fixed bug (, abnormal longitudinal emittance growth in GAP element, (Mohammad Eshraqi, ESS). New, 2 new commands, ‘DOUBLET_START’ and ‘DOUBLET_END’ allowing to control the zones where are applied the option from ‘Main’ page ‘Set doublet with the same gradient’, see documentation ‘Define doublet section’, (Mohammad Eshraqi, ESS).
10-09-2014: Fixed bug (, the partran step of calculation used was two times smaller than specified in the GUI. Beam current plotted was set to zero as soon as a particle was lost, (Mohammad Eshraqi, ESS).
09-09-2014: Fixed bug (, in multiparticle charts the button “Change surface plot style” was broken.
02-09-2014: Fixed bug (, power lost written in “Partran.out” file was wrong since ver
01-09-2014: New (, transient simulation feature of RF cavities is available for current users, see “RF cavity transient analysis with TraceWin” in the documentation, (Vyaghri Sista, BARC).
01-09-2014: New (, some improvements.
29-08-2014: New (, longitudinal acceptance curves have been added in the density plots, (N. Pichoff, CEA). Fixed bug, in the thin quad and multipole components, (M. Comunian, INFN).
29-08-2014: New (, 4 new parameters are added in the ERROR_QUAD_XXX command concerning the multipole components (see documentation), (Edgar Sargsyan, ESS).
26-08-2014: Fixed bug (, in SET_BEAM_PHASE_ERROR command. (Renato de Prisco, ESS). New, the calculated beam powers take into account the duty factor set in the main page, but the ‘Partran.out’ file results did not use this factor introduced directly in the plotting process. This factor is now directly included in this file.
30-07-2014: New (, a new option concerning RF phase configuration has been added in Gap, DTL_CEL and NCELLS elements (see documentation). (Mohammad Eshraqi, ESS).
28-07-2014: New (, Slowness could happen in some specific circumstances.
18-07-2014: New (, some general improvements. New accuracy parameter has been added to DIAG_ENERGY and DIAG_DENERGY element.
11-07-2014: New (, MY_DIAG element could not be weighted as other diagnostics, (J. Payet, CEA).
03-07-2014: Fixed bug (, in some conditions the input “dst” particle file could be misread in 32bits windows version, (J. Payet, CEA). Fixed bug, loss management in field map bending reference trajectory (A. Drouart, CEA)
25-06-2014: New (, improvement in output TXT file extracted from the power density level chart (Mohammad Eshraqi, ESS). Fixed bug, tracking matching using diagnostics could fail in some specific conditions. Fixed bug, legend titles of the phase density level chart were wrong (N. Pichoff, CEA)
23-06-2014: Fixed bug (, lost could be wrong in field map bending the reference trajectory (A. Drouart, CEA).
13-06-2014: New (, CHANGE_BEAM command modifications.
10-06-2014: Fixed bug (, input phases incompatibility between GenLiwWin and TraceWin codes for negative particle charge combined with harmonic RF frequency, (Vinit Kumar, RRCAT). Fixed bug, in field map bending the trajectory of a reference trajectory (J. Payet, CEA).
06-06-2014: New (, much more detailed space-charge documentation and new feature allowing for user to include its own space-charge routine, see space-charge chapter (M. Comunian, INFN). Fixed bug, phase advance setting in periodic structure failed with electrostatic s quadrupole, QUAD_ELE, (M. Comunian, INFN). Fixed bug in field map bending the trajectory of a reference trajectory (J. Payet, CEA). New, density level chart is now available for all planes (N. Pichoff, CEA). Fixed bug, beam errors from ERROR_BEAM_STAT command were correctly applied to beam but not correctly written in the summarized file « Error_data.txt ». (Renato de Prisco, ESS)
17-04-2014: Fixed bug (, in Twiss parameter range values of “ERROR_BEAM_XXX” command when “Nbr of step” was greater than 1, (M. Comunian, INFN).
15-04-2014: Fixed bug (, picnic3D has been removed by error in the version, (M. Comunian, INFN).
15-04-2014: New (, SHIFT command improvements (Hyojae Jang, IBS).
14-04-2014: Fixed bug (, in command SET_BEAM_PHASE_ERROR (Edgar Sargsyan, ESS).
01-04-2014: Fixed bug (, Result file reading error under MacOS for very long line results (A. Drouart, CEA). Mixing between new field maps allowing to bend the trajectory and classical one was failed, (David Boutin, IPHC).
31-03-2014: New (, new diagnostics DIAG_DCURRENT allowing to optimize the transmission between 2 positions (See documentation), (Mohammad Eshraqi, ESS).
27-03-2014: New (, feature allowing to merge two density files has been added in Density box tools, (Mohammad Eshraqi, ESS).
24-03-2014: New (, use field maps bending the trajectory of a reference trajectory is now possible in the FIELD_MAP element (see FIELD_MAP documentation).
24-03-2014: Fixed bug (, Beam errors data were missing in the “Error_data.txt”, (Renato De Prico, ESS).
19-03-2014: Fixed bug (, sign of Bx and By RF magnetic field map components calculated from 1D Ez(z) field map were reversed since the version, (Emanuele Laface, ESS).
17-03-2014: Fixed bug (, when several statistic error studies were selected in box “Error setup”, all dynamic errors were mixed, (Renato de Prisco, ESS).
17-03-2014: Fixed bug (, “Include errors defined in study N°” option in “Main” page was limited to 5, when 10 statistic error studies were available, (Renato de Prisco, ESS).
11-03-2014: Fixed bug (, longitudinal output offset distribution could be different according to button to visualize them (“Output” or “Output at element”), (Ryoichi Miyamoto, ESS).
04-03-2014: New (, le possibility to cancel, systematic result saving in ‘cal’ file has been added (Sarvesh Kumar, IUAC).
03-03-2014: New (, ERROR_XXX_NCPL_STAT_FILE commands have been improved (Mohammad Eshraqi, ESS).
25-02-2014: Fixed bug (, Toutatis simulation were wrong from version to, (Edgar Sargsyan, ESS).
18-02-2014: New (, compatibility improvements with MAC operating system, (Mohammad Eshraqi, ESS).
18-02-2014: New (, a new plot, longitudinal emittance (deg.MeV), has been added, (Hyojae Jang, IBS). Fixed bug, error amplitudes read by ERROR_CAV_NCPL_STAT_FILE command were shifted, (Mohammad Eshraqi, ESS). Details about 3D aperture file using were missing in documentation, (M. Comunian, INFN).
12-02-2014: New (, the number of characters per line in the dat file has been increased from 1000 to 5000, (Mamad Eshraqi, ESS). Fixed bug, correction in the help file about definition of ‘g’ parameter from DTL_CEL element, (Valery Kapin, Fermilab)
07-02-2014: New (, when error study is performed in several steps, a new option added in “Errors” page allows to avoid to do statistic on the step ‘0’ and a new command “ERROR_SET_RATIO” allows user to set error ratios arbitrary for each step (see documentation), (M. Eshraqi, ESS). Fixed bug, since version “”, “Losses (W)“, plot was wrong, (Ryoichi Miyamoto, ESS). Fixed bug, in Picnic2D procedure, (M. Comunian, INFN).
29-01-2014: Fixed bug (, number of particle written in dst file could be wrong, (Ibon Bustinduy, ESS Bilbao).
28-01-2014: Fixed bug (, particle phase in the plt file coming from Toutatis had not the good sign. (N. Pichoff, CEA).
22-01-2014: Fixed bug (, “Confident level” plots from statistical results were failed.
21-01-2014: Fixed bug (, the new feature developed in the version, did not work correctly.
13-01-2014: New (, normally, the set of executables (tracelx, tracelx64, tracemac, tracemac64) write and read all files and results in the same directory, now they accept the command “path_cal=’/calculation_path/”, allowing to locate results in another directory (Heine Dølrath Thomsen, ESS)
13-01-2014: New (, it’s now possible to follow selected particles even when there are RFQ cells in the structure.
08-01-2014: Fixed bug (, the first aperture dot in density plot was wrong, N. Chauvin, (CEA).
07-01-2014: Fixed bug (, MY_ELE path could be lost (L. Perrot, IPNO). SET_SYNC_PHASE command failed In Field_Map when mod = -100, N Pichoff (CEA). New, 2 new error commands, ERROR_CAV_NCPL_STAT_FILE and ERROR_QUAD_NCPL_STAT_FILE, allow to use file to set errors, see documentation.
19-12-2013: Fixed bug (, DTL_CEL and NCELLS elements were broken in the preceding version (
16-12-2013: Fixed bug (, improvements allowing TraceWin to start directly PlotWin (Malte Schwarz, Frankfurt University).
03-12-2013: Fixed bug (, SHIFT command set to FIELD_MAP element was applied 2 times.
29-11-2013: Fixed bug (, in batch mode input file commands did not work (M. Comunian, INFN).
27-11-2013: New (, before this TraceWin version, input RF phase of a set of superposed field maps was put in the first FIELD_MAP element. Now, each RF field map in a set of superposed field maps can have its own RF input phase, (M. Schwarz, Frankfurt University). Fixed bug, in batch mode commands including the '_' character were not recognized, (H. D. Thomsen, AARHUS).
25-11-2013: New (, a TraceWin release without X11, ‘TraceWin64_noX11’, fully similar to GUI version including error study on local and remote machines is now available (see documentation, ‘TraceWin in batch command’). Fixed bug, in error study management, the step at 0 was not correctly treated when beam reference option was set to’Input’ (M. Comunian, INFN).
19-11-2013: New (, the 99.XX% emittance plot has been extended to a more general feature XX.XX% (M. Schwarz, IAP). Fixed bug, in error study management, the step at 0 was not correctly treated, (M. Eshraqi, ESS).
08-11-2013: Fixed bug (, artificial initial energy shift for the very small number of particles, (J. L. Biarrotte, IPNO)
07-11-2013: Fixed bug (, in DTL, a transverse coupling was set in envelope mode by error, (Emanuele Laface, ESS). Command CHANGE_BEAM did not accept negative values (J. L. Biarrotte, IPNO). Some corrections in the SET_OF_MAP command (M. Comunian, INFN).
05-11-2013: Fixed bug (, Error study froze in the preceding release (M. Comunian, INFN). The phase errors set by the ERROR_BEAM_STAT command have not effect on the beam phase, (Edgar Sargsyan, ESS)
04-11-2013: New (, improvement of the SHIFT command, (Ibon Bustinduy, ESS Bilbao).
30-10-2013: Fixed bug (, command ‘Ele[x][x]’ in batch mode failed in the last release. (Ibon Bustinduy, ESS Bilbao).
28-10-2013: New (, a new command, SET_OF_MAP, provides a ways to do an error study using a list of field maps, see documentation (M. Comunian, INFN). Fixed bug, in the THIN_MATRIX element in multiparticle mode (M. Comunian, INFN).
22-10-2013: New (, a complex new halo definition has been added and is available in “Chart” page, see: “Halo: new definition” button, (P. Nghiem, CEA).
04-10-2013: New (, 1D Electric fields plotted with field map tool were 10-6 time too low, (N. Pichoff, CEA).
19-09-2013: New (, CHANGE_BEAM command has been changed, (N. Pichoff, CEA).
17-09-2013: Fixed bug (, Incompatibility between very old project file and last TraceWin version, (Fangjian Chia, Peking University).
09-09-2013: Fixed bug (, Unexpected beam losses when structure starts with a bend element and space-charge is defined as picnic 2D, (Vladimir Ryjkov, Best_theratronics)
29-07-2013: Fixed bug (, In some case the power density probability figure shows some strange results, (Cai Mang, CERN)
24-07-2013: Fixed bug (, Acceptance and accelerator field plots were wrong in NCELLS elements, (Mamad Eshraqi, ESS). New, Possibility to plot 3D aperture file has been added in Field map Tools (Ciprian Prostinar, RAL).
23-07-2013: Fixed bug (, phase inversion in the plt file from Toutatis simulations, (N. Pichoff, CEA).
18-07-2013: New (, MULTIPOLE element can now also generate electrostatic field map, see documentation for syntax, (M. Comunian, INFN).
12-07-2013: Fixed bug (, bugs fixed in 3D aperture field map, (Ciprian Prostinar, RAL).
10-07-2013: New (, Graphical User Interfaces upgrading form Qt-4.8.2 to Qt-4.8.5. Fixed bug, the E0T value shown in “Tab” page was wrong for NCELLS element (Mamad Eshraqi, ESS).
01-07-2013: New (, possibility to visualize diagnostics values, has been added in ‘Chart’ page, (N. Pichoff, CEA).
28-06-2013: New (, criterion result has been added in the result file (*.cal), (Mamad Eshraqi, ESS). Fixed bug, batch GUI process could be stopped by a message, (Ibon Bustinduy, ESS Bilbao).
21-06-2013: Fixed bug (, bugs fixed in Steerer command concerning the implementation of steerer inhomogeneities in the ESS case, (Heine Dølrath Thomsen, ESS).
07-06-2013: New (, some improvements concerning MATH_FAM_XXX commands, (M. Comunian, INFN).
07-06-2013: Fixed bug (, bugs fixed ADJUST commands, when several adjusts concern only one element and some of them are linked together (JL Biarrotte, IPNO).
06-06-2013: Fixed bug (, bugs fixed on phase advance calculation for 2D field map (R,Z), (M. Comunian, INFN).
04-06-2013: Fixed bug (, bugs fixed on DIAG_ENERGY and DIAG_EMIT (JL Biarrotte, IPNO). Font selection didn’t work correctly.
31-05-2013: New (, new diagnostic, DIAG_DPSIZE2, allowing to set beam divergence between two positions, see documentation, (M. Comunian, INFN).
27-05-2013: New (, Improvement in contour line plot (I. Hofmann, GSI).
29-04-2013: New (, DIAG_SEPARATION corrections, (J. Payet, CEA).
26-04-2013: New (, New diagnostic has been added, DIAG_SEPARATION, allowing to control beam separation, (J. Payet, CEA).
24-04-2013: Fixed bug (, the aperture problem in SOLENOID element wasn’t fixed in the preceding version (Edgar Sargsyan / CERN). Fix a bug concerning the READ_OUT command, (F. Ostiguy, Fermilab).
18-04-2013: Fixed bug (, Aperture unit in the SOLENOID element was wrong (Edgar Sargsyan / CERN). Some plots were not correctly managed when the entire beam was lost. Bug when READ_OUT and FIELD_MAP_PATH are at the same position, (F. Ostiguy, Fermilab). Bug fixed in BEND element when the dispersion was huge, J. Payet, CEA)
08-04-2013: New (, New diagnostic, DIAG_HALO, allowing to set halo parameters, (M. Comunian, INFN).
15-03-2013: New (, Computers in the “Computer” box management can now be identified either by its IP or its local Hostname string, (Ciprian Prostinar, RAL).
13-03-2013: Fixed bug (, bug fixed concerning the export ASCII file in the power density level plot, (Ibon Bustinduy, ESS Bilbao).
28-02-2013: New (, longitudinal acceptance parameter is now plotted in output beam distribution charts when element is a cavity and a new curve “Acceptance” showing acceptance along the linac has been added, (Mamad Eshraqi, ESS). In batch mode, using the GUI TraceWin executable, a new initialization file, “project_new.ini” is created including the new input parameters, (M. Comunian, INFN).
26-02-2013: Fixed bug (, Output/Input distribution form “Chart” page were not fully operational when the output particle distribution included simulation results coming from Toutatis. Instabilities concerning these reading have also be fixed. New, in batch mode a new initialization file, “project_new.ini” is created including the new input parameters that have been changed by the console command.
21-02-2013: Fixed bug (, Minor correction in losses management in the element defined in library “my_element.dll/so”, (F. Ostiguy, Fermilab).
20-02-2013: Fixed bug (, in batch command, the second parameter, just after the ini file name, was ignored when it was alone (M. Comunian, INFN). New (, the error systems coming from the loading of the “my_element.dll/so” are added in the error message in order to help user to debug their library, (F. Ostiguy, Fermilab).
15-02-2013: New (, 2 new parameters have been added in the STERRER command in order to implement nonlinear forces (see STERRER in the full documentation), (Mamad Eshraqi, ESS).
08-02-2013: New (, Improvement of the particles coordinates reading from a dst file when the number of particle required is lower but close to the number included in the dst file.
07-02-2013: New (, A new option is available for the configuration of Toutatis code for adding additional parameters (see Toutatis documentation).
31-01-2013: Fixed bug (, Error studies on remote computer were frozen due to a missing directory (Ryoichi Miyamoto, ESS). Some corrections have be done, for multiparticle display type Theta/Theta’ (M. Comunian, INFN).
29-01-2013: Fixed bug (, Remote computer management could become instable when the “Remote computers” box was opened during an error study.
22-01-2013: New (, real batch mode (without X console) is now available with TraceWin codes, including new features such as the ability to change the elements parameters directly through the arguments of code. See the new chapter in documentation: “Run TraceWin in a batch command”
18-01-2013: Fixed bug (, bug fixed in rotation errors in field map when electric and magnetic fields were specified for the same FIELD_MAP command. New (, a new menu has been added to simplify the examples loading. All examples have been upgraded to work with the last version of TraceWin.
21-12-2012: Fixed bug (, DIAG_EMIT failed in multiparticle mode (J.L. Biarrotte, IPNO).
10-11-2012: New (, some improvements in TraceWin and Toutatis.
03-11-2012: Fixed bug (, in bend element with field gradient index in multiparticle simulations. (Ciprian Prostinar, RAL).
29-10-2012: Fixed bug (, Space-charge compensation file map reading error when more than one field map is used in the project.
20-10-2012: Fixed bug (, fixed problem in diagnostic matching with Partran when diagnostic number was bigger 1000, (Mamad Eshraqi, ESS).
19-10-2012: Fixed bug (, some corrections relative to Toutatis.
15-11-2012: New (, RFQ tool from ‘Chart’ page allows to visualize also tension values from ‘*.vane’ file. (M. Comunian, INFN).
14-10-2012: Fixed bug (, Code crash computers dialog box for selecting computers was canceled (N. Chauvin, CEA).
07-11-2012: New (, Minor corrections and improvements.
06-11-2012: New (, In particle distribution chart, the number defining the percentage of the emittance ellipse plotted is now a float rather than an integer, allowing values such as 99.99%. The chart "Emittance at 99%” in the page “Chart” is replaced by “Emittance at 99.XX%”. User can now, before computation, select in page “Mutiparticle” what this graph will represent, 99%, 99.9%, 99.99% or 100%. (Ingo Hofmann, GSI).
18-10-2012: Fixed bug (, Code crash when matching is performed with main and second beam together (David Boutin, IPHC).
12-10-2012: Fixed bug (, little corrections in hyper-threading management in MacOS. Improvement in rr’ calculation and other minor corrections.
09-10-2012: New (, A third parameter, (0/1), has been added in the command MATCH_FAM_GRAD to make difference between the first half quadrupole (0 by default) and second one (1) of a DTL_CEL element.
09-10-2012: Fixed bug (, fixed an ambiguity in the reading of the elements when a comment contains a character ':' and is placed on the same line.
09-10-2012: Fixed bug (, Bug fixed in the DTL_CEL end associated with a half quad, (Mamad Eshraqi, ESS).
03-10-2012: Fixed bug (, Bug fixed in the “Probability of occurrence” curve of the sterrer statistic. This error occurs when the requested value is not the proposed value, ‘0’. (Ibon Bustinduy, ESS Bilbao). Bug fixed in “my_elements.dll” loading causing TraceWin crash (Mamad Eshraqi, ESS).
28-09-2012: New (, Possibility to separate Hofmann diagram in 2 different planes has been added. New statistics concerning the rms emittances from error studies have been added in Density tools box (Mamad Eshraqi, ESS).
26-09-2012: New (, a new tools in “Chart” page allowing to visualize Toutatis vane files is available. A new command “RFQ_GAP_RMS_FFS” allows to modify the default Toutatis values of the front-end cells length. Fixed bug, wrong particle losses at RFQ output when “Exclude not accelerated particles” is selected in Toutatis options (Ibon Bustinduy, ESS Bilbao).
17-09-2012: Fixed bug (, Bug fixed in the element or aperture plotting in envelope charts (Miyamoto, Ryoichi, ESS).
05-09-2012: Fixed bug (, Density data file was wrong when Toutatis was mixed with partran simulations (Nghiem Phu Anh Phi, CEA). The data saved from the graph "Field Map Factors" was wrong. (Arun Saini, Fermilab)
03-09-2012: Fixed bug (, Bug fixed in Max and min beam centroid charts (x=y) (Anne I.S. Holm, Aarhus University).
30-08-2012: New (, Graphical User Interfaces upgrading form Qt-4.6.0 to Qt-4.8.2. Experimental version of Mac OS 64-bit is available. New data ,Max and min beam centroid, have been added in density available in “Density” tool from “Charts” page (Anne I.S. Holm, Aarhus University). Correction on PlotWin launching procedure from TraceWin (Hiroyuki Shidara, JAEA)
24-07-2012: New (, Minor corrections.
17-07-2012: Fixed bug (, the calculated input matched beam with “Partran” option was not take into account (Ingo Hofmann, GSI).
09-07-2012: New (, Hofmann chart improvement, removal of the automatic scale (Ingo Hofmann, GSI).
02-07-2012: Fixed bug (, unit error in some plots have been corrected (Heine Dølrath Thomsen, ESS). Code frozen when RFQ_CEL length is set to zeo, (M. Comunian, INFN).
28-06-2012: New (, the maximum length of element names limited to 8 characters has been expanded to 50, (Mohammad Eshraqi, ESS).
19-06-2012: Fixed bug (, Bug fixed in electrostatic bend in very low beta (Perrot Luc, IPNO).
07-06-2012: Fixed bug (, Bug fixed in Toutatis lib in TraceWin producing results different from one run to another. (M. Comunian, INFN). New, new data (Twiss parameters) have been added to error study files (Mohammad Eshraqi, ESS).
03-06-2012: Fixed bug (, Bug fixed in envelope plot concerning MY_ELE type. SHIFT command had no effect in FIELD_MAP element for multiparticle simulations (M. Comunian, INFN). Bug fixed in space charge calculation in the case of large loss of particles (Oliver Amoros, Concepcion, CIEMAT). Fixed a bug in XY & X’Y’ correlation outputs (Mohammad Eshraqi, ESS).
25-04-2012: New (, some corrections in GAP documentation (Emanuele Laface, ESS). Two new output beam histograms have been added in "Errors" page (Losses and losses (%)), (I. Hofmann, GSI).
18-04-2012: New (, Some improvements and documentation corrections.
12-04-2012: New (, New data (XY & X’Y’ correlations) have been added to error study files (Mohammad Eshraqi, ESS). New command added “CHANGE_BEAM” allowing to change beam charge during transport (M. Comunian, INFN). New encryption key system has been introduced.
10-04-2012: Fixed bug (, Bug fixed in synoptic graph, (Jean-Baptiste Lallement, CERN).
29-03-2012: Fixed bug (, Vertical and horizontal dispersion plots were wrong when the line included elements such as cavity or buncher, (Jean-Baptiste Lallement, CERN).
27-03-2012: Fixed bug (, unexpected Toutatis library crashing (M. Comunian, INFN).
26-03-2012: Fixed bug (, Activation key problem with local users.
20-03-2012: Fixed bug (, some minor bugs fixed.
14-03-2012: Fixed bug (, “my_element.dll” or “” wasn’t always correctly transferred to remote machines during error studies.
06-03-2012: Fixed bug (, “Structure transfer matrix” tool from “Charts” page shown wrong result with NCELLS element. (R. Miyamoto, ESS).
02-03-2011: New (, New feature, in transfer Matrix tool, allowing to copy all the matrices of a set of element. (Emanuele Laface, ESS)
17-02-2012: Fixed bug (, some theta-theta' data were missing in output beam distribution graph. (M. Comunian, INFN).
15-02-2012: Fixed bug (, Halo distribution was not added to input beam distribution coming from a ‘dst’ file, excepted if the number of particle in “Main” page corresponded to the dst file one. Bug fixed in synoptic graph (L. Perrot, IPNO). Bug fixed in field map accelerating field in the display of the “Data” page. (M. Comunian, INFN).
08-02-2011: New (, Improvement and finalization of dialog box “Halo” in “Multiparticle” page, (I. Hofmann, GSI).
06-02-2012: Fixed bug (, KV beam distribution was wrong. Multipole (sextupole, octupole…) gradient definition has been added in documentation because it is different, for example, from the TRANSPORT code, (Heine Dølrath Thomsen, ESS). Some improvements in synoptic graph (D. Boutin, IPHC).
31-01-2012: Fixed bug (, several problems occurring during studies of error have been fixed or improved: Crash nuisance, the problem of large file transfer, compatibility between 32bit and 64bit version, the data cleaning machines. (F. Ostiguy, Fermilab). New, feature has been added in order to include particle halo distribution in the main input distribution, (I. Hofmann, GSI).
24-01-2012: Fixed bug (, File writing failed at the end of batch mode using (Ivan Bustinduy, ESSBilbao)
24-01-2011: New (, some improvements about batch mode and a new command have been added, (M. Comunian, INFN).
23-01-2011: New (, Input variables can be set in TraceWin command batch mode, see chapter “Using TraceWin in command batch file”. New statistics about rms beam size have been included in Density file, see density tool to visualize them (L. Perrot, INPO)
13-01-2012: Fixed bug (, RF magnetic field maps plotted from Field Map Viewer tool were always set to zero, excepted when abscise was z. (J.L. Biarrotte, IPNO)
10-01-2012: Fixed bug (, random seeds used for particle distribution were different depending on OS.
10-01-2012: Fixed bug (, Input dst file confusion when main and second beam use different input dst files (G. Normand, Ganil)
22-12-2011: New (, TraceWin can now to be used in batch command file with the syntax “TraceWin /full_path/project_name.ini /full_path/struture.dat”. Struture.dat file is optional. By this way the project is automatically loaded, eventually a new structure.dat file is loaded too. It is run and finally TraceWin is closed.
21-12-2011: New (, Projection direction of synoptic chart can be now selected by user (D. Boutin, IPHC)
14-12-2011: Fixed bug (, Toutatis bug correction (A. Ponton, ESS). Vertical BEND_ELE element was wrong (L. Perrot, IPNO). New: Improvement in BEAM_ROT element, see Help, (L. Perrot, IPNO).
29-11-2011: New (, ASCII file saved from envelope plot include now beam dispersion and beam beta values (Anne I.S. Holm, Aarhus University)
25-11-2011 : Fixed bug (, New correction for taking account proxy server. In statistical error study with “Nbr of Step” parameter greater than 1, Density_XX file according to step contained only one run result. (Oliver Amoros Concepcion, Ciemat). Fixed bug in Remote Computer management Box (Mohammad Eshraqi, ESS).
21-11-2011 : Fixed bug (, The automatic key activation via the network did not work with a proxy server. (C. Prostinar, RAL).
16-11-2011 : Fixed bug (, Coupled adjusted value was set to 0 in ‘Adjusted_Values.txt’ and ‘Adjusted_Values_tot.txt’ files (L. Perrot, IPNO).
15-11-2011: New (, The error data file containing the error applied on each element during a run including random errors is save for each run during a statistical error study. Use ‘keep all result file’ option in ‘Errors’ page to get these files.
09-11-2011: New (, The possibility to use the ESS’s cluster has been included in TraceWin and twserver, see documentation (“Error study management” -> “TraceWin server installation”)
04-11-2011 : Fixed bug (, Activation key problem with very recent Linux distribution.
28-10-2011: Fixed bug (, the display of the current project name was missing at startup. QUAD_ELE doesn’t appear in synoptic chart (D. Boutin, IPHC). Vertical and horizontal dispersion plots were wrong when the line included element (cavity/buncher) changing longitudinal beam dispersion (dp/p), (M. Comunian, INFN).
18-10-2011: Fixed bug (, some corrections about 6D emittance have been done and documentation has been upgraded (see 4D and 6D emittance definition). Transport in multiparticle field map lost the reference particle in a few cases (Zhang Yan, MSU).
11-10-2011: Fixed bug (, SET_BEAM_PHASE_ADV command start at element n+1 instead n like it was defined in the documentation (Anne I.S. Holm, ESS). New, a new chart has been added plotting 4D and 6D émittances (M. Eshraqi, ESS).
29-09-2011: Fixed bug (, random seed, used in error studies, was wrong on Linux and Mac OS, since TraceWin version
27-09-2011: New (, some GUI improvements.
26-09-2011: New (, errors can now also be generated in Gaussian distribution. See ERROR_XXX commands and diagnostic elements (accuracy) for syntax detail. Additionally, the possibility to set the random seed has been added (in “main” page) in order to regenerate an error case. For remote computing the seed values are saved in a file name “Random_seed.log”. (M. Comunian, INFN)
02-08-2011: Fixed bug (, Fixed bug in field map viewer tool: plot of the magnetic field component for 1D RF electrical field was wrong (F. Ostiguy, Fermilab).
27-07-2011: New (, MY_ELE, MY_DIAG elements syntax have been upgraded in order to simplify developer work by adding the name of the element or diagnostic (ex: MY_ELE(drift)) see MY_ELE help.
26-07-2011: New (, remote computers can be configured either to 32 bits or 64 bits system allowing 15% to 40% of speed improvement (option available in Remote computer box). Fixed bug, beam reference energy of MY_ELE element was sometime wrong.
22-07-2011: New (, a new command (FIELD_MAP_PATH) A new command has been introduced in order to centralize the position of the set of field maps of a project, see FIELD_MAP element help. (F. Ostiguy, Fermilab). Input fields “Nbr core” and “Port” were reversed in remote computer box (M. Comunian, INFN).
21-07-2011: Fixed bug (, Fixed bug in READ_OUT command associated with matching commands. Fixed mistake in READ_OUT documentation. Fixed bug in density file coming from Toutatis library.
18-07-2011: New (, Importing multiparticle ASCII file ability has been included in PlotWin tool, see detail in PlotWin documentation. READ_OUT documentation has been improved and some features have been added (Heine Dølrath Thomsen, ESS)
13-07-2011: Fixed bug (, The comments ‘;’ in phase advance file (*.sig) were not recognized. (M. Comunian, INFN). Similarity between some users name caused errors on code activation.
12-07-2011: New (, Toutatis library has been partially parallelized (Expected speed-up around 3).
05-07-2011: New (, Improvement of the write speed of the density file which was too consumer (Piero Antonio Posocco, CERN). Display improvement of the results of the matching convergences (F. Ostiguy, Fermilab).
29-06-2011 : Fixed bug (, fixes font and remote activation key problems.
22-06-2011 : Fixed bug (, bug in the implementation of the high orders multipole components in QUAD element in presence of STEERER command. (Piero Antonio Posocco, CERN). Error study failed when calculation path contains a space character (M. Comunian, INFN). “Density_tot_Env.dat” file was missing when only one local computer (0:0:0:0) was selected. New, project name and/or date can be included in all chart title (options available in chart options button, top of the chart window). 2 new conditions about phase and energy are now available in order to control the longitudinal extension in density files (See “Multiparticle page” -> “Partran energy and phase limits” options). Way to perform acceptance calculation has been included in the documentation see “Way of using” chapter, (F. Ostiguy, Fermilab).
16-06-2011 : Fixed bug (, unexpected crashing in the preceding Linux version.
14-06-2011 : New (, A new plot and a new tools have been added in order to plot steerer strengths along structure and to study the steerer statistic coming from error study results. The steerer chart is available in ‘Charts” page and statistic tools is available in “Errors” page.
08-06-2011 : Fixed bug (, the power density levels plot did not taking account the duty cycle (Mohammad Eshraqi, ESS).
07-06-2011 : Fixed bug (, some minor bug in density files management (Piero Antonio Posocco, CERN).
01-06-2011 : New (, The files “Density_PAR.dat” (for multiparticle) and “Density_Env.dat” (for envelope) replace respectively “Dist_Error_PAR.dat” and “Dist_Error_Env.dat” files. These new files contain much more data in order to visualize the transverse and longitudinal beam densities according to Z and some other beam parameters (all these data can come from the sum of statistic studies). All available charts are accessible via the new Toolbox "Density". See “Files” -> “New density file distribution” in Help file for some more details.
26-04-2011 : New (, The activation key file is now automatically generated when the code is launched, if it is connected on the WEB and if the user has been registered in the database of users (See Installation chapter in HELP). Some improvements and corrections in envelope ellipse plots in FIELD_MAP element. Some improvements in automatic scaling for several charts. Fixed bug, BetX and betY function were wrong in dispersive region.
07-04-2011 : New (, improvements of SET_BEAM_PHASE_ERROR command (Piero Antonio Posocco, CERN). Some corrections have been done on BEAM_ROT element.
30-03-2011 : Fixed bug (, Unintentional empty error message occurs during phase advance calculation instead of the classic message expected (M. Comunian, INFN).
28-03-2011 : New (, the command ERROR_BEAM_STAT(DYN) has been extended in order to allows random Twiss parameters in a defined range (Mélanie Marie-Jeanne, LPSC)
24-03-2011 : New (, the command SET_BEAM_PHASE_ERROR has been changed to be able to shift RF phase of all elements following this command, in order to cancel phase static errors preceding its position (Piero Antonio Posocco, CERN).
23-03-2011 : Fixed bug (, output phase advance chart error when phase advance cannot be calculated, (E. Gianfelice, Fermilab). SET_ACHROMAT command was not implemented for vertical plane, (Heine Dolrath Thomsen, University of Aarhus, ESS).
21-03-2011 : Fixed bug (, crashing after dst file loading in several rare conditions. Unexpected error message when “ADJUST n, v…” command is used with negative value set to v parameter (v<0 is used for readjusting beam phase or energy to reference value from linac without error, see ADJUST Help file).
6-03-2011 : New ( & Fixed bug, new improvement of ERROR_CAV_CPL_STAT/DYN commands in order to allow to link phase and amplitude field error, see documentation for more details (Piero Antonio, CERN). Chart showing distribution properties in émittance box was wrong (Mamad Eshraqi, CERN).
08-02-2011 : Fixed bug (, Unintentional error message, “Format or Syntax error at element” blocking the reading of the file structure.
07-03-2011 : New (, improvement of ERROR_CAV_CPL_STAT/DYN commands in order to allow to inverse alternatively the error sign, see documentation for more details (Piero Antonio, CERN).
03-03-2011 : New (, betaX and betaY functions are available in envelope chart (see page 105 of documentation), (C. Prostinar).
02-03-2011 : New (, SET_ADV command has been changed in order to be able to set the phase advance independently for the horizontal and vertical planes, see documentation (C. Prostinar). The horizontal and vertical density projections shown in the phase space distribution chart have been normalized (I. Hofmann, GSI).
01-03-2011 : New ( & Fixed bug, A new feature (ring aperture) has been added in APERTURE element, see documentation (I. Hofmann, GSI). The scale of criteria chart during optimization was sometime wrong. The beam charge send in the library of the MY_ELE element was wrong.
24-02-2011 : New (, twserver and TraceWin change in order to match the client/server to Fermilab cluster (F. Ostiguy, Fermilab).
14-02-2011 : Fixed bug (, Due to an arithmetic overflow the calculation of the Bro was wrong for particle charge bigger 6 (Mainly, bend transport for secondary particle was affected by this error).
10-02-2011 : New (, Hofmann’s stability diagram is now dynamically calculated in order to adjust scale and accuracy to user requests.
26-01-2011 : Fixed bug (, Some improvements have been performed in order to make “tracelx” and “twserver_without_X” compatible with very old Linux versions.
19-01-2011 : New ( & Fixed bug, Improvement in the new field map type, 0090, 1D G(z) field. The 3D magnetic field map is performed starting from the 1D magnetic gradient along the longitudinal axis, G(z), see “3D field development” in the documentation, (C. Prostinar). Transverse displacement errors applied on vertical bend were reversed, dX->dY (JL Biarriotte, IPNO). Energy shift defined in “Twiss parameters” box, was set to 0 by error.
14-01-2011 : Fixed bug (, During error studies, ERROR_BEAM_DYN command failed when ERROR_BEAM_STAT command was not present (JL Biarrotte, IPNO).
13-01-2011 : New (, A new feature has been added in field map viewer allowing to visualize 2D field map in cylindrical coordinates (Ibon Bustinduy, ESS Bilbao)
07-01-2011 : Fixed bug (, in order to avoid code crashing when the installation directory was not at the user home directory and need root user rights (David de Cos, ESS Bilbao).
05-01-2011 : Fixed bug (, THIN_STERRING element did not work in magnetic mode (J.L. Biarrotte, INPO). Some little corrections have been made to improve Linux version compatibility with newer Linux distributions.
22-12-2010 : Fixed bug ( & New, The error studies in preceding version ( didn’t start due to a missing library file. In field map element, the possibility to use a 3D aperture map has been added (See FIELD_MAP documentation). Some corrections in TraceWin in order to launch correctly PlotWin code in MacOS machines (Ibon Bustinduy, ESS Bilbao).
9-12-2010 : New (, A new feature has been added allowing to each user to develop its own elements or diagnostics (see ‘Develop your its own element’). Memory consumption has been reduced by approximately 30%. A new command, SET_BEAM _ENERGY, has been added in order to fix the beam energy, see documentation (A. Vostrikov, Fermilab).
01-12-2010 : New (, Improvement in the new field map type, 0090, 1D G(z) field. The transverse steps were arbitrary fixed to 100, which was too high. These steps have been reduced to 10 in order to ovoid memory overloading (C. Prostinar).
29-11-2010 : New (, Input phase of cavities have been added in the data page tab (F. Ostiguy, Fermilab).
20-11-2010 : New (, Flag has been added in THIN_STERRING element and STERRER command in order to allow either electric or magnetic deviation. Some corrections have been done on QUAD_ELE element in error treatments (Abdenbi Khouaja, IN2P3).
09-11-2010 : New (, An interpolator has been added to the output graphics to give a better rendering, especially for low number of particle (In output chart windows, use the "Change ColorMap" button to select the display mode and increase the size of points representing particles with the button "Options"). A new picture format was added: "High resolution PNG. This is a much better quality PNG file. Hofmann’s stability diagram has been added to the "Charts" page. Some corrections have been made in output file from “Data” page.
5-11-2010 : New (, Possibility to select the development order for 1D field map, see FIELD_MAP documentation (Ciprian Prostinar, RAL).
02-11-2010 : Fixed bug (, compatibility problem between MATCH_FAM_PHASE and SET_SYNC_PHASE. (F. Ostiguy, Fermilab). BEND_ELE documentation missing (Abdenbi Khouaja, IN2P3 Lyon).
27-10-2010 : Fixed bug (, problem in QUAD_ELE element and convergence problem with SET_TWISS algorithm.
25-10-2010 : New (, Possibility to change right color bar axis font regardless of the other axes and some other GUI Improvements.
22-10-2010 : New (, Improvement in reference input energy calculation in RFQ
21-10-2010 : New (, New field map type, 0090, corresponding to a 1D G(z) field for magnetic gradient quadrupole (C. Prostinar)
19-10-2010 : Fixed bug (, Very severe bug in Field_map element for remote computations (N. Chauvin, CEA).
15-10-2010 : Fixed bug (, The field map file with their full name (written in *.dat file) were not correctly copy to the remote machines. The bending direction was wrong with negative particle charge in synoptic chart. The last cell of RFQ in Toutatis has been corrected in order to avoid crash code due to mesh problem at the end of the RFQ computation.
21-09-2010 : Fixed bug (, New documentation in PDF (printable) format has been updated. Direct links to elements and commands have been reinstalled. Abnormal error messages "END_ask" have been deleted.
06-09-2010 : New (, Modification of BEAM_ROT in order to add shift capability (M. Comunian, INFN). In FIELD_MAP element the full name of the file map can be specified now (path+name).
31-08-2010 : New (, Missing information (EoT) in data tab for FIELD_MAP element (M. Comunian, INFN)
30-08-2010 : New (, Some improvements in GUI MacOS version. The element BEAM_ROT has been extended.
06-08-2010 : New (, MacOS version available, it's a beta version only tested on MacOS 10.6.
05-07-2010 : New (, A new file in statistic error study has been added in order to keep all adjusted values (ADJUST commands + diag) (file name: Adjusted_values_XXX.txt). (F. Varenne / GANIL and Oliver Amoros Concepcion / Ciemat)
30-06-2010 : Fixed bug (, divergence beam centroid envelope plots inside field map element were wrong in partran simulations, they were correct at input and output positions (M. Comunian, INFN)
28-06-2010 : New (, The n parameter from ADJUST command allow to link two variables: Now if you set n parameter to opposite sign you'll get opposite variation for the linked variables. For example two drifts coupled with (n=1 & n=-1) will keep the same total sum length (F. Varenne, GANIL)
22-06-2010 : Fixed bug (, correction in space-charge calculation given wrong results in some specific cases.
21-06-2010 : Fixed bug (, Error studies with local machine (IP= didn't work under Linux (F. Ostiguy, Fermilab & L. Perrot, IPNO ). Statistical input beam error study was wrong in envelope mode wih only one local machine (JL Biarrotte, IPNO).
14-06-2010 : Fixed bug (, Beam losses in RFQ input due to default input collimator value too small (M. Comunian, INFN).
11-06-2010 : New (, 64 bits Windows version available (15% to 40% speed improvement). Correction on twserver with X11 which can fail according to user right, (F. Ostiguy, Fermilab).
08-06-2010 : Fixed bug (, Error study under Linux with multiple local machines (ip=0:0:0:0) failed (L. Perrot, IPNO). Some problems in space charge compensation field map (N. Chauvin, CEA).
02-06-2010 : Fixed bug (, Severe crash with using of input dst file when the particle number was bigger than 10.000 and lower than number from dst file (N. Chauvin, CEA).
19-04-2010 : New (, The new data file created in the calculation directory at end of a run has been improved in order to better reproduce the comment lines. Some improvements have been done to the editor (F. Ostiguy, Fermilab)
15-04-2010 : New (, New commands 'ADJUST_BEAM_XXX' allowing to adjust input beam to fit with diagnostic values (See ADJUST command HELP). New Diagnostic element, 'DIAG_TWISS' allowing to impose beam Twiss parameters (See Diagnostic element HELP). Improvement in the gradient and integral gradient calculated in FIELD_MAP (these values are available in 'Grad' and 'Int of Grad' plot charts and now also in 'Element info' menu in Envelope chart when you're click right inside chart frame (only for non-superposed magnetic FIELD_MAP type>=6)
13-04-2010 : Fixed bug (, Severe bug in toutatis library failing the code (M. Comunian, INFN)
08-04-2010 : New (, When input DST file as input is selected, now the number of particle used in simulating is equal to the number of particle set as input. (Before that, it was a integer fraction)
17-03-2010 : Fixed bug (, minor corrections about Field_map viewer tools, Field_map type 6 HELP file, optimization process.
09-03-2010 : New (, First_step parameter has been added in ADJUST command in order to set the choose the first step of optimization process, see ADJUST command HELP.
08-03-2010 : New (, Particle is lost in FIELD_MAP when it comes out of aperture defined in element syntax or Field_map frame size defined in Field_map files. This behavior is true except when aperture flag is set to 1 in order to use beam pipe radius file map. Now, if its flag is set to 2, no pipe file is required, but particle will not be lost when it comes out field map frame. That allows to superpose small size field map inside bigger one.
02-03-2010 : Fixed bug (, Leak memory in windows version, and needed corrections with Linux Ubuntu.
22-02-2010 : New (, a new option has been added in error study page in order to make difference between keep all dst files from statistical study or to merge all dst files into a big one. (Oliver Amoros Concepcion / Ciemat)
22-02-2010 : New (, the needed dll file 'mingwm10.dll' for windows version has been remove.
16-02-2010 : Fixed bug (, SHIFT command didn't work in multiparticle. (M. Comunian, INFN).
05-02-2010 : Fixed bug (, term inversion in DIAG_SET_MATRIX and DIAG_ACHROMAT error (S3 project).
02-02-2010 : New (, minor corrections in Toutatis module.
29-01-2010 : Fixed bug (, some file instabilities in 64-bit Linux version have been corrected. (M. Comunian, INFN).
26-01-2010 : New (, minor corrections.
15-01-2010 : Fixed bug (, Toutatis instabilities. (M. Comunian, INFN).
14-01-2010 : Fixed bug (, synoptic plot was failed with electric bend element.
13-01-2010 : New (, A 64-bit Linux version has been added in order to allow simulation with more than 10e6 particles (for example about 100e6 particle for 10Gb memory).
24-12-2009 : Fixed bug (, correction made in DTL_CEL element (Ciprian Plostinar).
23-12-2009 : New (, The diagnostic influence can now be weighted by putting a correcting factor between brackets (see diagnostics help).
23-12-2009 : Fixed bug (, correction made in ELECTROSTA_ACC element (M. Comunian, INFN).
10-12-2009 : Fixed Bug, in version, superpose FIELD_MAP multiparticle transport was wrong if the map had the same file name.
08-12-2009 : New, Multithreading variable adjustment has been improved in order to taking into account memory access speed.
10-12-2009 : Fixed Bug, memory leak in field map simulation .
08-12-2009 : New, element THIN_MATRIX has been developed (see documentation).
03-12-2009 : NEW , in TraceWin ver:, most of multipaticle features of the code has been parallelized in such a ways to best use the power of multiple processor computer (except Toutatis, which will be done in next version). This improvement is not available for the gcc-3.4.5 version. In case you encounter any problems, you can disable the multithreading option in "multiparticle" page at the bottom.
02-12-2009 : New, QUAD_ELE has been improve in order to include multipole component (M. Comunian, INFN).
04-11-2009 : Fixed Bug, The aperture defined in file (*.ouv) in FIELD_MAP element was wrong in TraceWin version
03-11-2009 : New, four new output beam histograms have been added in "Errors" page. Horizontal & vertical dispersions and Hor_disp/dz & Ver_dsip/dz . Only available in envelope error studies. (Mamad Eshraqi, CERN)
03-11-2009 : New, a new bend error type has added in order to be able to simulate several band with same field amplitude error. Have a look in BEND_ERROR Help. (Mamad Eshraqi, CERN)
27-10-2009 : New, the twserver for linux without X can now be launch in another directory by pasing "newhome" as argument (Oliver Amoros, Concepcion / Ciemat)
26-10-2009 : Fixed Bug, the Y rms residual orbit plot was wrong (Oliver Amoros, Concepcion / Ciemat)
18-10-2009 : VERY SERIOUS Fixed Bug, Statistical error studies on remote computers were completly wrong from TraceWin version "" to "". Latest version corrects this problem.
13-10-2009 : New, the dialog box 'Transfer matrix' from 'Charts' page is now not modal and is always synchronized during line matching.
13-10-2009 : New, diagnostic element allowing to set transfer matrix term of of a line has been included, see Help at DIAG_SET_MATRIX element (diagnostics element list).
17-09-2009 : Fixed Bug, some plots (Synchronous phase, Voltage, Cavity field) were wrong when the particle charge wasn't equal to 1. (Normand GuillaumeT, GANIL)
17-09-2009 : New, the steering calculations have been improved in case of non linear transport.
17-09-2009 : Fixed Bug, new multipole components defined in QUAD element were wrong when the element length was not equel to 0
11-09-2009 : New, synchrotron radiation calculation (Reine VERSTEEGEN, CEA)
02-09-2009 : Fixed Bug, particle power losses plot (Ciprian Plostinar, RAL)
02-09-2009 : Fixed Bug, in new multipole components added in QUAD
02-09-2009 : Fixed Bug, in previous Z-dp/p conversion improvement
06-08-2009 : New, the transport in FIELD_MAP elements has been improved in order to use your computer multithreading capabilities (See multiparticle page options)
06-08-2009 : New, the Multipole components have been added in QUAD element (see QUAD help)
22-07-2009 : Fixed Bug , 99% emittances calculation were wrong with very relativist particle (Ahmed Ben Ismail)
22-07-2009 : New, the Phase-energy conversion to Z-dp/p has been improved
16-07-2009 : New , The maximum number of chopper element has been increase from 5 to 20 (ciprian Plostinar)
10-07-2009 : Fixed Bug , Some improvements in SET_ADV command when phase advance is close to 180 deg (ciprian Plostinar)
03-06-2009 : Fixed Bug , In some error studies configuration steerer file was missing (NORMAND GuillaumeT, GANIL)
23-06-2009 : New, The particles outside the longitudinal acceptance reaching a energy very used to zero are now considering as lost and don't stop the current calculation (Gennady Kropachev, CERN)
03-06-2009 : Fixed Bug , The density plots has been corrected in order to remove radius dependency making lower particle density closed to beam center (Giulia Bellodi, CERN)
03-06-2009 : Fixed Bug , The documentation links did not work correctly in traceWin version :
03-06-2009 : New , The number of RFQ gap was limited to 10. Now it is dynamic. (M. Comunian, INFN)
03-06-2009 : Fixed Bug , A few quadrupole error setting did not work correctly. (Oliver Amoros, Concepcion / Ciemat)
03-06-2009 : New , The vertical dispersion prob was missing in envelope charts (Mamad Eshraqi, CERN)
03-06-2009 : Fixed Bug , when the particle mass or kinetic energy was changed with using particle file distribution (*.dst), the new input dst file can has bad transverse distributions (J. payet, CEA Saclay)
06-05-2009 : News, finger element has been added see (APERTURE element HELP file).
28-04-2009 : Fixed Bug ,a new TraceWin version (gcc 4.2.1 with stdlibc++library call TraceWin_glibc) has been added in order to solve the error message :version 'GLIBCXX_3.4.9' not found
17-04-2009 : Fixed Bug , Crash occurs when gas scattering option was activated (Oliver Amoros, Concepcion / Ciemat)
15-04-2009 : Fixed Bug , some linux corrections concerning graphic behaviors
07-04-2009 : Fixed Bug , some old dst files can be opened due to modifications made in order to allow plt file bigger than 2 Gytes (G. Bellodi / CERN)
30-03-2009 : News, the help link bugs (on windows system) have been fixed.
30-03-2009 : News, Qt-4.3.1 to Qt-4.5
30-03-2009 : Fixed Bug, some crashes occur when a the second input particle file was loaded. (J. Payet / CEA)
17-03-2009 : News, The plt file size limited up to now to 2GBytes can now exceed this limit in 32Bytes or 64Bytes computers.
17-03-2009 : Fixed Bug, The multiparticle transport failed with a few Pentium processor type . (P. Bertrand / GANIL)
22-02-2009 : Fixed Bug, The multiparticle transport in gap element was wrong with charge greater then one. (Edgar Sargsyan / CERN)
02-19-2009 : New: A new command, RFQ_GEOM has been added (See Help File -> commands -> set RFQ vane geometry)
10-09-2008 :TraceWin v2 see New in Tracewin v2
02-06-2008 : Fixed Bug, the NCELLS mod 2 did work correctly and the Help file was not correct too. (G. Bellodi, CERN)
01-04-2008 : Fixed Bug, the bucket plot was wrong in acceleration with RF harmonic. (M. Eshraqi, CERN)
11-03-2008 : New: A new command, SET_BEAM_PHASE_ERROR has been added (See Help File) .(Giulia Bellodi, CERN)
11-03-2008 : New: A new command, TWOTERMS, allows to select the longitudinal profile in RFQ (See Help file).
14-02-2008 : Fixed Bug, the NCELLS element didn't work in Partran when these optional parameters was not set. (Giulia Bellodi, CERN)
13-02-2008 : New: In multiparticle box, the number of space-charge calculation per meter or beta_Lambda has been added, previously it was beta_Lambda divided by 2, but in few case that was too low. The command "PARTRAN_STEP" still allows to change this parameter along the structure.
10-02-2008 : New: Halo parameters are now calculated in Toutatis simulations (see "multiparticle options Box").
10-02-2008 : New: RFQ errors are now divided in segment errors and vane errors (See ERROR_RFQ_CEL_NCPL_STAT command).
10-01-2008 : Fixed Bug, The particles exclude from emittance calculation was not (E-Esyn)/Esyn>Elimit as indicated in multiparticle options box, but (E-Esync)>Elimt.
11-01-2008 : New: The first order dispersion evolution visible in envelope chart is plotted in pink collor and the bigger order dispersion are plotted in green.
10-01-2008 : Fixed Bug, The dispersion values were wrong with input beam including dp/p error.
30-11-2007 : New: The possibility to include several cores for each computer has been include in the remote computer box.
05-10-2007 : New: Two options in error studies have been added.
- The first one: "keep all results file" allows to keep the output distribution file (*.dst) and distribution file (Dist_error_PAR.dat") for each run of a statistical error study.
- The second one: "Input or Output beam as reference" allows to select as reference in emittance growths and lost calculations the input or the output beam of the reference linac without error.
By default it was the ouput beam. In case of "Input beam" no run without error is needed before a error study.
18-09-2007 : New: In envelope plots, the dispersion value is now available.
17-09-2007 : Fixed Bug, The error level printed was wrong during error calculations. (Rita Paparela, INFN)
10-09-2007 : New: A new TraceWin Server able to works under Windows and Linux on remote computer is available (See TraceWinServer Help Topic).
25-04-2007 : Fixed Bug, The MIN_FIELD_VARIATION command did work correctly. (A.. Ponton, IPN Orsay)
05-04-2007 : New: A low-pass filter has been include in DIAG_SIZE and DIAG_DSIZE3 on the phase spread measurement.
21-03-2007 : Fixed Bug, The secondary beam transport in bend was wrong in envelope when the particule charge of the second beam was different from the main beam. (J.L. Biarrotte, IPN Orsay)
23-02-2007 : New: A better memory management allows to get up the number of particle to 20.000.000.
21-02-2007 : New: A new type of scrapper is available (See APERTURE element) allowing to select a beam fraction.
11-02-2007 : New: TraceWin can work on 64bits windows computer (but, It's still a 32 bits code).
17-01-2007 : New: Now, even if all particles are lost, the outputs are still available.
11-01-2007 : Fixed Bug, The steerer didn't work in FIELD_MAP element. (J.L. Biarrotte, IPN Orsay)
20-12-2006 : New: A new command "SUPERPOSE_MAP" allows to superpose different FIELD_MAP elements and shift them. (See Help File).
22-11-2006 : Fixed Bug, TraceWin version " to 68" doesn't work correctly in DTL_CEL element. (Edgar Sargsyan / CERN)
22-11-2006 : Fixed Bug, TraceWin version "" doesn't work in Edge element with negative charge.(Rita Paparella, INFN)
13-11-2006 : Fixed Bug, TraceWin version "" doesn't support Toutatis.
22-10-2006 : New: A new command allowing to easely duplicate element or elements block has been included (See REPEAT_ELE command Help).
21-10-2006 : New: The number of elements was limited to 5000. This limitation has been removed.
06-10-2006 : New: A new option in DRIFT element has been added in order to define rectangular aperture, see DRIFT element help (C. Prostinar, Rutherford Lab.)
04-10-2006 : New: A 4 order solenoid field map has been added, see MUTIPOLE element help.
18-09-2006 : New: A pepper-pot element has been added, see APERTURE element help.
12-09-2006 : New: For Linux Wine emulation use command "wine Trace_Win.exe wine". And add dll files "Riched20.dll" and "Riched32.dll"
22-07-2006 : New: XP design interface. The main menu "Theme" allows to switch from NT theme to XP theme.
21-07-2006 : Fixed Bug, That sometime froze the Envelope plots during optimization.
20-07-2006 : Fixed Bug, That sometime froze the TraceWin Server under XP (twserver).
15-07-2006 : New: New compiler used.
14-06-2006 : Fixed Bug, The losses (W) calculation don't taking into account charge of particle. (J.L. Biarrotte, IPN Orsay)
12-05-2006 : Fixed Bug, The fringe-field correction applied in the edge angle output in bend was wrong in multparticle mode if the dipole was cut in several part. (J.L. Biarrotte, IPN Orsay)
11-05-2006 : New: A new diagnostic element "DIAG_ACHROMAT", see Help file.
11-05-2006 : New: 2 new commands "ADJUST_STERRER_BX" and "ADJUST_STERRER_BY", see Help file.
15-03-2006 : New: A name (8 characters max) can be attributed to each element. The syntax is "Name : Type_element".
ex: "QP12 : QUAD 10.0 100. 100."
15-03-2006 : New: TraceWin Translates the data file to BETA code syntax.
07-03-2006 : New: A new diagnostic has been introduce to minimize the beam luminosity: DIAG_LUMINOSITY (See Help file).
30-01-2006 : New: The "ADJUST" command syntax has been changed (See Help file).
10-01-2006 : New: The elipe and envelope charts (multiparticle or envelope simulations) can be saved or copied in vector format (EMF file, windows meta file format), that gives much better quality output.
10-01-2006 : Fixed Bug, The fringe-field correction applied in the edge angle output in bend was wrong in multparticle mode. (J.L. Biarrotte, IPN Orsay)
01-12-2005 : New: A new optimization algorithm has been implemented, you can select it by the "Optimization Options" box.
28-11-2005 : New: The documentation has been revised (See Help file).
24-11-2005 : New: A new diagnostic element had been implemented (Diag_Waist) allowing to impose 'Alp' twiss parameter to zero (See Help file).
23-11-2005 : New: The losses in bend are now estimated with the gap of magnets defined in edge element and aperture defined in bend element.
22-11-2005 : Fixed Bug, The project loading for specific project did not works. (J.L. Biarrotte, IPN Orsay)
17-11-2005 : Fixed Bug, In output charts the gradation of colors were badly saved in BMP or JPG format.
14-09-2005 : New: A synoptic allowing to see bend deviation and edge orientation is now available in tab-set-graph (button "synoptic").
03-09-2005 : New: All Tranfert matrix term evolutions can be plotted (See "Transfer Matrix" button in "Graphs" tab-sheet).
03-11-2005 : Fixed Bug, The "SET_ACHROMAT" command has been improved, see Help file.
01-11-2005 : Fixed Bug, The "APERTURE" element plot was wrong in Y plane. (J.L. Biarrotte, IPN Orsay)
18-10-2005 : Fixed Bug, In Bend calculation (Robin Ferdinand / Asclepios).
01-09-2005 : New: The multiparticle input beam distribution type selection and generator has been changed (see multiparticle option).
11-09-2005 : Fixed Bug, the data file could be partially erase when it was located in remote disk, some protections have been inserted in order to avoid that. (Rainer Cee/GSI)
01-09-2005 : New: The beam matrix is now visible (In 'Beam parameter' & 'Twiss parameter') and can be changed in the 'Beam parameter' in order to add some extra special matrix terms.
01-07-2005 : New: The TraceWin Server has been corrected in order to spare the Windows XP firewall.
03-09-2005 : Fixed Bug, In multiparticle simulation when beam current is lower than 1e-5 mA (Robin Ferdinand / Asclepios).
06-07-2005 : Fixed Bug, The project manager failed in a new installation in a new machine.
01-07-2005 : New: A new command has been developed: "SET_SYNC_PHASE" (see help file).
26-06-2005 : New: A new element has been developed: Beam Rotation (see help file) (Robin Ferdinand / Asclepios).
22-06-2005 : New: A new element has been developped: Thin lens (see help file).
06-06-2005 : Fixed Bug, The Gaussup space-charge module was failed. (Maud Baylac / LPSC-Grenoble).
06-06-2005 : Fixed Bug, 'SET_TWISS' command did not work with CW beam.
31-05-2005 : New: A new tool allowing to visualize the field maps has been implemented.
26-05-2005 : New: "The files needed for TraceWin Error Help Email are now automatically included.
24-05-2005 : Fixed Bug, The phase advance without current (structure) charts were sometime wrong. (Edgar Sargsyan / CERN)
12-05-2005 : Fixed Bug, FIELD_MAP option 4 did not work correctly in multiparticle simulation.
26-04-2005 : Fixed Bug, TraceWin failed in first run case. (Andeas Sauer)
26-04-2005 : New: 2 new parameters in 'options' -> 'multiparticle code options' allows to exclude or not, particles in emittance calculations according to phase max and dE/E max.
22-04-2005 : Fixed Bug, Electrostatic accelerating lens did not take into account the beam charge.
17-04-2005 : New: Some longitudinal diagnostics have been implemented and some modifications have been made on the associated adjust commands (See Help file).
16-04-2005 : New: The optimization parameters are summarize in a new box "Optimization options" in "Options".
10-04-2005 : Fixed Bug, which deletes without reason the project manager configuration.
06-04-2005 : New: Bend with field index has been implemented in partran (N. Pichoff). Warning, at present time only first order is considered. (R.Ferdinand / Ganil)
05-04-2005 : New: Some new data have been include in the error file result, "Statistic_Errors_1_PAR.txt" (rms sizes, halo parameters), see "Error file result" in Help. Some dedicated buttons have been implemented in Tab-Set "Errors" in order to exploit these new data . (Edgar Sargsyan / CERN & E. Froidefond / LPSC-Grenoble).
25-03-2005 : Fixed Bug, In few cases, a "EzeroDivide" error occurred for continue beam. (Ferdinand Robin / Ganil)
17-03-2005 : New: All the dissipated powers calculated in TraceWin takes in account the energy of the particles lost rather than the beam synchronous energy.
15-03-2005 : New: The number of particle in TraceWin & Partran are now no limited par the memory system. If the number of particle is too big compare to available memory the beam will be skipped in few parts.
15-03-2005 : Fixed Bug, load a imported project wasn't imported the good mass. (Maud Baylac / LPSC-Grenoble).
07-03-2005 : Fixed Bug, in Button "Transfer Matrix" in tab-sheet "Graphs" which makes it sometime unstable.
16-02-2005 : New: A new option in multiparticle code allowing to increase the number of space charge calculation in a DTL cell has been implemented (See mulitparticle options).
13-02-2005 : New: A new type of statistic errors has been include: The input beam errors (See button 'Error Selection' and command "ERROR_BEAM_STAT" & "ERROR_BEAM_DYN").
04-02-2005 : Fixed Bug, in DTL cell with error, partran and TraceWin wasn't agree.(Maud Baylac / LPSC-Grenoble)
01-02-2005 : Fixed Bug, in thin GAP (without beta parameter) a bug had been fixed in the longitudinal plan.(Edgar Sargsyan / CERN)
21-01-2005 : New: Two new phase space coordinates have been developed: "theta" and "thetap". They are only available in multiparticle output. (N. Pichoff / CEA).
20-01-2005 : New: A new file containing random errors list are generated in calculation path (E. Froidefond / LPSC-Grenoble).
18-01-2005 : New: Some usual examples have been added in the "Example" path of project manager.
14-01-2005 : Fixed Bug, which deletes without reason the data file.
10-01-2005 : New: The documentation has been updated.
06-01-2005 : Fixed Bug, in output chart, the axis color managment was wrong.
03-01-2005 : New: A new parameter "Duty cycle" has been implemented, it is used in power losses calculation.
15-11-2004 : New: A new command has been implemented "SET_ACHROMAT" see help file.
15-12-2004 : Fixed Bug, in Partran: The longitudinal coefficient for distribution 36 was wrong. (Edgar Sargsyan / CERN)
07-11-2004 : New: A new element has been implemented: MULTIPOLE element. It is based on a field map generation (Concetta Ronsivalle / Frascati).
30-11-2004 : Fixed Bug, in magnetic bend treatment according to the main or second beam (Rainer Cee/GSI)
25-10-2004 : Fixed Bug, in the synchronous phase calculation RF FIELD_MAP element.
22-10-2004 : Fixed Bug, in the longitudinal losses calculation according |E-Eo| and |Ph-Ph0| criterion (E. Froidefond / LPSC-Grenoble).
24-09-2004 : Fixed Bug, in mismatching error studies, the results was dependent of the number of step. (J.L. Biarrotte / IPN).
26-08-2004 : New: Some datas are been added in the statistical error result file in order to obtain X and Y residual orbit and rms, max and min losses results.
16-08-2004 : Fixed Bug, in the funnel_gap element (N. Pichoff / CEA).
22-06-2004 : Fixed Bug, in the compress level mode (Andreas Sauer Frankfort).
07-05-2004 : New: The diagnostic errors can be disabled in tab-set "option".
06-05-2004 : Fixed Bug, Zp, phase, energy amplitude in longitudinal plots were wrong, with in accelerating mode.
05-05-2004 : Fixed Bug, Z sign in longitudinal plot was wrong.
04-05-2004 : New: A new RFQ error is been implemented (longitudinal displacement error by segment).
28-24-2004 : Fixed Bug, Bend with negative angle failed. (Marta Novati/ INFN).
03-04-2004 : New: Commands "ERROR_BEND_NCPL_DYN" and "ERROR_BEND_NCPL_STAT" in ordre to apply magnetic errors on the dipole (See Help file).
01-04-2004 : New: Error treatment concerning dipole has been include in TraceWin and Partran.
23-03-2004 : New: Element quadrupole electrostatic (QUAD_ELE), see Help.
18-03-2004 : New: Diagnostic elements, see Help.
03-03-2004 : New: The coeff: sqrt(5) between rms and total size can be changed by using the scale button of envelope or distribution output charts.
03-01-2004 : New: Flag to enable or not Diagnostic computation has been included in "Option" Tab-Set.
01-29-2004 : New: Button allows to extract beam parameters form the dst file.
01-29-2004 : Fixed Bug, Output field amplitude with longitudinal errors was wrong. (J.L. Biarrotte / IPN).
01-23-2003 : Warning: In the version all the errors selected have been deselected for compatibity reason.
01-23-2003 : New: Command to minimize field variation during matching "MIN_FIELD_VARIATION".
01-18-2004 : Fixed Bug, Dynamic errors was 2 times applied for adjacent quadrupoles.
01-04-2004 : Fixed Bug, in the chopper element, about the particle charge. (P. Bertrand / GANIL).
12-15-2003 : New: TOUTATIS code generates plt file like PARTRAN (See options of mutiparticle codes).
11-27-2003 : Fixed Bug, in the beam phase and energy centroid extracted from PARTRAN output file. (J.L. Biarrotte / IPN).
11-24-2003 : Fixed Bug, in the "PARTRAN_STEP" command where the step did not depend of the element length. (N. Pichoff / CEA).
11-22-2003 : Fixed Bug, in TraceWin Server. It did not work under XP.
11-21-2003 : New: A new file containing all the steerer values in the statistical error studies: "Steerer_Values_Tot_xxx.txt". The "Steerer_Values.txt" contains the last run.
11-16-2003 : Fixed Bug, in the FIELD_MAP element in the aperture map reading.
11-16-2003 : Fixed Bug, in the particles file creating procedure in DC beam. (N. Pichoff / CEA).
11-14-2003 : New possibility to save in the particle output distribution charts the particles in an ascii file. Use "Save" button, then selects "txt" as file type.
11-12-2003 : Fixed Bug, in the phase space chart menus. (P. Bertrand / GANIL).
11-10-2003 : New , The new command "SET_BEAM_E0_P0" allows to match the beam energy and phase.
11-10-2003 : New , The possibility to match the beam after the errors are applied, has been implemented (MATCH_FAM_FIELD -x and MATCH_FAM_FIELD -x) use a negative number for the matching number.
11-03-2003 : Fixed Bug, in the "SET_TWISS" command: Match only the Alpha parameter using flag system doesn't work when the beta parameter was equal to 0 (E. Froidefond / LPSC-Grenoble).
10-29-2003 : New , The emittance values from particle file are not extracted when the file are opened.
10-27-2003 : New , A separation between the scale of the envelope charts and phase space charts has been implemented
10-09-2003 : New possibility to select a compress format for the multiparticle output file (Only the last PARTRAN version or the Library version are compatible, otherwise use 0%)
10-09-2003 : New the "MONET" and "SCDYN" codes are removed, because not used.
10-02-2003 : Fixed Bug, the "jpg" pictures cannot be used as background in the output charts (R.Duperrier CEA-France).
10-02-2003 : Fixed Bug, the value of "nbr of lattice to optimize" saved was always 0 (J. L. Biarrotte IPN-France).
10-02-2003 : New matching result format has been implemented in the result file ("Matching_Between_Section_#_to_#+1" -> "Matching_#")
07-16-2003 : Fixed Bug, in few case the help file could stop a calculation.
07-15-2003 : New command: "SET_BEAM_PHASE_ADV allows to set beam phase advances in space charge, (see help).
07-15-2003 : New way to use "SET_SIZE" and "SET_SIZE_MAX" command, (see help).
07-15-2003 : New : Some more information during optimization are now plotting.
07-15-2003 : New possibility to use more than 1 "SET_TWISS" command in the same optimization.
07-11-2003 : New space charge routine, "CE_CYL" (for CEA-DAM developments) has been implemented .
07-10-2003 : New possibility to select the number of step, when you save in data file format the envelope behaviour in the envelope charts.